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On the other hand, the rapier was in old days a foreigner of peculiarly shady reputation on these shores, its introducer being always alluded to in the current literature of that day, with anathemas, as "that desperate traitour, Rowland Yorke."

We are ouercome of the Danes, not with weapon or force of armes; but with treason wrought by our owne people: we did at the first prepare a nauie against the enimies, the which that false traitour Elfrike betraid into their hands.

The lords answered and said, 'He was worse than a thiefe, he was ane traitour and deserved no better." The last despairing bravado of the condemned man desiring that his hands might be bound with a silken cord at least, the horror and wrath of the pale King, helpless, looking on, forced into the assembly of the lords to witness their pitiless vengeance, are painfully tragical and terrible.

You were just a Wee Soon with the title, my dear Traitour, my bonny Spy. It might have been yours indeed, and more if you had patience, yes perhaps and Doom forby, as that is like to be my good-man's very speedily. What if I make trouble, Sim, and open the eyes of Monsher and the mim-mou'ed Madame at the same moment by telling them who is really Drimdarroch? Will it no' gar them Grue, think ye?"

Therefore we cite thée by appelation to appeare before the pope, there to answer thine accusors." Then they, appointed him a day, in which they ment to prosecute their appeale. The princes and péeres of the realme did also iudge him a periured person and a traitour. In the time of mine election he made me frée, and discharged me of all courtlie bondage.

Bar. Am I becom a generall game? a Rest For every Slave to pull at? Thanck ye still: You are growne the noblest in your favours, gentlemen. What's that hangs there? what Coffin? Lord. How it stirrs him. 2 Lord. The body, Sir, of Leidenberch the Traitour. Bar. The traitour? 2 Lord.

No, they are onely assured to be employed in all desperate enterprises, to bee helde in scorne and disdaine euer among those whom they serue. And that euer traitour was either trusted or aduanced I could neuer yet reade, neither can I at this time remember any example. And no man coulde haue lesse becommed the place of an Orator for such a purpose, then this Morice of Desmond.

I, the Traitour, the fowle Traitour, Who, though he killd himself to cleere his cause, Justice has found him out and so proclaimd him. Bar. Have mercy on his soule! I dare behold him. 1 Lord. Beleeve me, he's much moved. 2 Lord. He has much reason. Bar. Are theis the holly praires ye prepare for me The comforts to a parting soule? Still I thanck ye, Most hartely and lovingly I thanck ye.