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"It is similar to telepathy, which you already know, but is projected directly rather than through the TP center, and is much more powerful. You must try to force a feeling of pressure, of constriction, on your opponent." She raised her shield, holding it at half strength so she could feel any success he might have. "All right, go ahead."

Suppose we followed this rule in English, and you came to the word, 'TP, you would be puzzled indeed to know whether tap, tip, or top was meant! But the Jewish scribes had wonderful memories. A teacher would read a long passage from the Psalms to his pupil, and very soon the lad would be able to repeat the whole correctly, the consonant words just refreshing his memory.

Gabriele hoped to break him of his misconception. "Well, she doesn't make a trickle. I think she puts TP in there to clog up what she thinks is bad sound because I don't hear nothing and we're always running out of toilet paper." Gabriele laughed. "Double negatives are for Spanish, dear heart."

She knew the theory, and Thark had done the same for her; it was merely a matter of redirecting the mental impulses of communication from the speech center to the TP center, something she ought to be able to do without him even realizing the change was being made.