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Saite yuke toya, ano ya wo saite; Yuke ba chikayoru nushi no soba. 'What is that? I ask my friend. He answers: 'A love-song. "Go forward, straight forward that way, to the house that thou seest before thee; the nearer thou goest thereto, the nearer to her shalt thou be."

Euery day they did nothing but speak vnto me of the desire that they had to vse me wel, if we returned vnto their houses, and cause me to receiue all the pleasures that they could deuise, aswell in hunting as in seeing their very strange and superstitious ceremonies at a certaine feast which they call Toya. Which feast they obserue as straightly as we obserue the Sunday.

And then the Indian women continued all the rest of the day in teares as sad and woful as was possible: and in such rage they cut the armes of the yong girles, which they lanced so cruelly with sharpe shels of Muskles that the blood followed which they flang into the ayre, crying out three times, He Toya.

And another voice still said formally: "Reporting group five, but four ships are staying behind with tanker Toya, which is having stabilizer trouble...." Hoddan's eyes opened very wide. He turned down the sound while he tried to think. But there wasn't anything to think.