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Hill Tout's minute description, with the other facts cited, leaves no doubt that even in an early stage, as in later stages of culture, the use of the great shield does not exclude the use of such body armour as the means of the warriors enable them to construct.

The tout's stock devices the "bank-roll" game, the "phoney" ticket, the "jockey's cousin" he worked with better success than most; but, as a rule, his method was simple.

We do already threaten the privacy of the post because of betting tout's letters. The drift of all that kind of thing is narrow, unimaginative, mischievous, stupid...." I stopped short and walked to the window and surveyed a pretty fountain, facsimile of one in Verona, amidst trim-cut borderings of yew. Beyond, and seen between the stems of ilex trees, was a great blaze of yellow flowers....

"Four fives, four tens, and five five-dollar gold-pieces." And the man displayed it ostentatiously. The tout's eyes flashed as he saw his opponent put his money back into his waistcoat pocket. "Well, I bet you," he said, and planked his money down. The operator took the shells and swept the pea first under one then under the other, and laid the three side by side.

But the man persisted, running along beside me and reeling off his tout's patter in a wheezing, asthmatic voice. I struck off blindly down the first turning we came to, hoping to be rid of the fellow, but in vain. Finally, I stopped and held out a gulden. "Take this and go away!" I said. The old fellow waved the coin aside.

"They'll keep me on till after the National. He's not everybody's 'orse, Four-Pound ain't. If they was to make a change now, he might go back on himself." The tout's breathing came a little quicker in the darkness. "D'you see to him?" "Me and Albert." "Is Albert goin' to ride him?" "Don't you believe it?" mocked the little jockey. The tout drew closer. "Who is, then?"