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"Try it and I'll tear you limb from limb! I've put enough of other people's private lives on the screen! My own stays off! I'm not going to have even a phoney screen-show built around Babs and me for people to gabble about!" Bell said in an injured tone: "I'm only trying to do a good job! I started off on this business as a writer.

He had been taken off the job he'd spent years learning to do acceptably, to phoney a personal satisfaction for the son-in-law of one of the partners of the firm he worked for. It was humiliation to be considered merely a lackey who could be ordered to perform personal services for his boss, without regard to the damage to the work he was really responsible for.

"Well, she's a great actress," decided Alfred, with the air of a connoisseur. "She sure is," admitted Donneghey, more and more disgruntled as he felt his reputation for detecting fraud slipping from him. "She put up a phoney story about the kid being hers," he added. "But I could tell she wasn't on the level.

"A man, an Englishman, apparently, went into a downtown banker's office about three months ago and asked to have some English bank-notes exchanged for American money. After he had gone away, the cashier began to get suspicious. He thought there was something phoney in the feel of the notes. Under the glass he noticed that the little curl on the 'e' of the 'Five' was missing.

Murphy squirmed through the tightly packed load until he reached John's side again. "Listen, kid," he said in his husky voice. "If you want to find out something about dis game, just keep your trap shut and do what Tim Murphy tells you. Get me? I was tipped to dis raid but I didn't know it was coming so soon or I'd got ya out of it, see? It's a phoney, see.

"Just picked up a new man for my land business name Oldham." "Never heard of him," said Welton. "He isn't the Lucky Lands Oldham, is he?" asked Bob. "Same chicken," replied Baker; then, as Bob laughed, "Think he's phoney? Maybe he'll take watching and maybe he won't. I'm a good little watcher.

The various Smoothenheimers who were out on the Road had a proud chance to get by with the padded Expense Account. Aleck could smell a Phoney before he opened the Envelope, because that is how he got His. With a three-ton Burden on his aching Shoulders, he staggered up the flinty Incline. Away back yonder, while sleeping above the Store, a vision had come to him.

The tout's stock devices the "bank-roll" game, the "phoney" ticket, the "jockey's cousin" he worked with better success than most; but, as a rule, his method was simple.

He commandeered the legal department of Kursten, Kasten, Hopkins, and Fallowe to set up the enterprise with strict legality and discretion. There came into being a corporation called "Spaceways, Inc." which could not possibly be considered phoney from any inspection of its charter. Expert legal advice arranged that its actual stock-holders should appear to be untraceable.

They might fall out." "That wouldn't hurt, Colonel. I reckon maybe I did lose one or two on the way back, careless like." "You lost some of those diamonds?" The colonel's voice was sharp. "Diamonds? Diamonds nothin'! Them's paste, Colonel. That's what made Spotty sore. His pal done him dirt, and that's why he split. The whole cross is made of phoney diamonds paste!" "Paste diamonds!