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Jaggers, putting a hand on my shoulder and walking me on at his side without saying anything to me, addressed himself to his followers. First, he took the two secret men. "Now, I have nothing to say to you," said Mr. Jaggers, throwing his finger at them. "I want to know no more than I know. As to the result, it's a toss-up. I told you from the first it was a toss-up. Have you paid Wemmick?"

It was just a toss-up that a good deal of my own wasn't in, one way or another. 'Do you know any more about Frothingham? 'No. Only the fact. Don't know when it was, or when it got known. We shall have it from the papers presently. I think every penny Mrs Larkfield had was in. 'But it may not mean absolute ruin, urged Harvey. 'I know what to think when B. F. commits suicide.

Somebody had said it to her before then. Years before. She remembered. It was Ally. A year passed. It was June again. For more than a year there had been rumors of changes in Morfe. The doctor talked of going. He was always talking of going and nobody had yet believed that he would go. This time, they said, he was serious, it had been a toss-up whether he stayed or went. But in the end he stayed.

It's a sort of toss-up between Yale and Harvard, with a little leaning toward Eli on my part. But I don't have to decide this week. Come on, let's hoof it a little faster. I believe I'm getting hungry." "And yet you would stop to moon at a view!" burst out Frank. "Really, Andy, I'm surprised at you!" "Oh, cut it out, you old faker!

The clinging hand opened, and Bobby's arm fell useless at his side. 'He'll do, said the Doctor quietly. 'It must have been a toss-up all through the night. 'Think you're to be congratulated on this case. 'Oh, bosh! said Bobby. 'I thought the man had gone out long ago only only I didn't care to take my hand away. Rub my arm down, there's a good chap. What a grip the brute has!

Every day we asked the steward how old Wiggins were a-gittin' on, and every day he'd shake his head and say 'no better; and it come to be understood, fore and aft, that it were as much as a toss-up if the old man ever smelled grass ag'in. We had a little let-up arter gittin' into the thirties, and for a day or so had fine weather and a chance to dry our dunnage.

Yes, reduced to its essentials, it came to mean the pitting of one soul's welfare against that of another; was a toss-up between his happiness and hers. One of them would have to yield. Who would suffer more by doing so he or she? He believed that a sacrifice on his part would make the wreck of his life complete.

Ah, well, it was his luck in his last toss-up, and he had never been lucky before; yet he had never felt so great a reluctance to conclude his engagement of twenty-four hours, and clinch his repentance, as he did at this moment. It was good for him that he stood committed.

How was he to go about transfiguring these thirty-four thousand francs, at a jump, into three hundred thousand. The first idea which came into the mind of the young man was to find some way of staking his whole fortune on the toss-up of a coin, but for that he must sell the house.

I'd sure make them engines behave." "What vessel have you been on lately?" Hicks demanded cautiously, for he knew Mr. McGuffey's reputation for non-reliability around pay-day. "I been with that fresh water scavenger, Scraggs, in the Maggie for most a year." "Did you quit or did Scraggs fire you?" "He fired me," McGuffey replied honestly. "If he hadn't I'd have quit, so it's a toss-up.