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Harry was mentally debating whether, in this new posture of affairs, his friend Ferdinand would press his claim for certain moneys lent. 'Oh, I believe you, he said. 'Harrington has the knack with you women. Why, you made eyes at him. It was a toss-up between you and Rosey once. Juliana let this accusation pass. 'He is a tradesman. He has a shop in Lymport, I tell you, Harry, and his name on it.

He was now in the heart of a fantastical adventure. Filled with its spirit, he would carry it bravely to the end, enjoying every step in it, comedy or tragedy. Yet all day, since he had eaten the sacred bread, there had been ringing in his ears the words: "Holy bread, I take thee; If I die suddenly, Serve me as a sacrament." It came home to him, at the instant, what a toss-up it all was.

Then, unconsciously plagiarising Parpon: "Prince or barber a toss-up!" Outside, many had gathered round Medallion. The auctioneer, who liked the unique thing and was not without tact, having the gift of humour, took on himself the office of inquisitor, even as there rose again little snatches of "Vive Napoleon" from the crowd.

I don't see why the Old Man stands for it or the Pilgrim, either; it's a toss-up which is the worst. Yuh smell him coming, do yuh?" he snarled. Get out and welcome him, darn yuh!" He gathered the coat under one arm that he might open the door, and hurried the dog outside with a threatening boot toe.

Oh, it was all planned out like a theater show: Jabez had a full orchestra too, three fiddlers, a guitarist, an' a fifer; an' they began to play solemn music, like they allus do at a wedding. It's a toss-up which is the most touchin', a weddin' or a funeral, a feller's takin' a mighty long shot at either one. The whole crowd was on edge, but myself was strained to the breakin' point.

This time Julia Crosby won the toss-up, and followed it up with a field goal. Then the seniors scored twice on fouls, tying the score. The juniors set their teeth and waded in with all their might and main, setting a whirlwind pace that caused their fans to shout with wild enthusiasm and fairly dazed their opponents.

"It's a stroke of paralysis and about as big as they make 'em. It's a toss-up if he ever speaks or moves again as long as he lives."

Although from day to day we people in London knew not whether before the sun set the dreaded pibroch of the Highland Clans might not be heard at Charing Cross, and the barbarian rout of Caterans that formed the Prince, I mean the Chevalier, I mean the Pretender's Army, scattered all about the City, plundering our Chattels, and ravaging our fair English homes; although, for aught men knew, another month, nay another week, might see King George the Second toppled from his Throne, and King James the Third installed, with his Royal Highness Charles Edward Prince of Wales as Regent; although it was but a toss-up whether the Archbishop of Canterbury should not be ousted from Lambeth by a Popish Prelate, and the whole country reduced to Slavery and Bankruptcy; yet to those who lived quiet lives, and kept civil tongues in their heads, all things went on pretty much as usual: and each day had its evil, and sufficient for the day was the evil thereof.

"The lump of stuff you left here hocussed one it was a toss-up luck was on my side that one carried them slept like death long while hunting found them under his pillow at last." "Well done! and we fools were always beat at it. Sixty one two five seven. Seven thousand pounds." "Seven thousand pounds! Who would have thought it? This is a dear job to me."

Detective walked into the hotel this evening, I figured it a toss-up whether I should ever see home and mother again. I am only an humble steel-maker, but I am for you and I want to see you again and tell you right to your face what I think of you.