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At last, he emerged with his hat very much dented and crushed down over his eyes, and began creaking and limping about the room, as if, not being much accustomed to boots, his pair of damp, wrinkled cowhide ones probably not made to order either rather pinched and tormented him at the first go off of a bitter cold morning.

He recalled days of helping haze cattle on long trails, when the creatures were tormented by thirst, and he knew how they suffered. "There are a few signs that they've been in here," remarked Slim, as the party was gathered around the boiling spring. "But they aren't here now." "Not much use in us staying here, either," commented Bud, as he looked around on the bleak and cheerless prospect.

The magic wand; the trance into which that wand threw Margrave himself; the apparition which it conjured up in my own quiet chamber when my mind was without a care and my health without a flaw, how account for all this: as you endeavoured, and perhaps successfully, to account for all my impressions of the Vision in the Museum, of the luminous, haunting shadow in its earlier apparitions, when my fancy was heated, my heart tormented, and, it might be, even the physical forces of this strong frame disordered?"

The very incident that inflamed my senses, gave my desires such an extraordinary turn, that, confined to what I had already experienced, I sought no further, and, with blood boiling with sensuality, almost from my birth, preserved my purity beyond the age when the coldest constitutions lose their insensibility; long tormented, without knowing by what, I gazed on every handsome woman with delight; imagination incessantly brought their charms to my remembrance, only to transform them into so many Miss Lamberciers.

It was a rebuking cry, but it failed to touch the calloused heart of the being before her. "You have tormented me continually, Iris," he said, with cool deliberation, "and now my hour of triumph has come." He laughed hoarsely. He seemed to enjoy the ghostly horror exhibited on the face of his devoted wife. "Let me tell you what I have done," he proceeded, with the malice born of a devil's nature.

Birds fly from it; and it is inhabited, according to the belief of the most vulgar, by ghosts and dæmons; to which will now doubtless be added, the troubled ghosts of the murdered American prisoners; and hereafter will be distinctly seen the tormented spirit of the bloody Capt. Shortland, clanking his chains, weeping, wailing and gnashing his teeth!

Thrown back upon himself, his wounded vanity seeks inward nourishment and takes what it can find in the sterile uniformity of his bourgeois moderation. Robespierre, unlike Danton, has no cravings. He is sober; he is not tormented by his senses; if he gives way to them, it is only no further than he can help, and with a bad grace.

He opened his arms wide as if to hold her and the world in one embrace. No longer able to consider marriage, or to weigh coolly what her nature was, or how it would be if they lived together, he dropped to the ground and sat absorbed in the thought of her, and soon tormented by the desire to be in her presence again.

Aremberg disengaged himself from his body, and walked a few paces to the edge of a meadow near the road. Here, wounded in the action, crippled by the disease which had so long tormented him, and scarcely able to sustain longer the burthen of his armor, he calmly awaited his fate.

Her father's long absence and apparent indifference tormented her and converted her grief into anger. During these days of danger and mortal peril he had never once entered his house to visit his daughter.