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Leonard was soon heard stamping the snow from his boots on the back piazza, and in a few moments he entered, shivering. "The coldest night of the year," he exclaimed. "Ten below zero, and it will probably be twelve before morning. It's too bad, Amy, that you have had such a cold reception." "The thermometer makes a good foil for your smile," she replied.

When at length we enter the mountain gateway, the somber rocks seem aware of our presence, and seem to come thronging closer about us. Happily the ouzel and the old familiar robin are here to sing us welcome, and azure daisies beam with trustfulness and sympathy, enabling us to feel something of Nature's love even here, beneath the gaze of her coldest rocks.

"I shall certainly be getting a little of my own back," said the duke, beaming. The Honourable John Ruffin frowned at him heavily and said in a tone of the coldest severity: "That's a stupid way of looking at it. The important thing about your idea is that it will very likely bring you together again. But I wonder if you can work it. You won't find it an easy job."

I feel sure that you are going blindly and alone, to the coldest, cruelest city in the world and I should never forgive myself if I allowed you to do it." Into Evelyn's eyes leaped indescribable terror as Kathleen's hand closed over hers.

"I am not very well, thank you," said Mr. Prosper, rising from his chair, and offering her his hand with the coldest possible salutation. "I am sorry for that, very. I hope it is not your indisposition which has prevented you from coming to see me. I have been expecting you every day since Soames wrote his last letter. But it's no use pretending any longer. Oh, Peter, Peter!"

From the latitude of Philadelphia south, this extension may be of light construction without danger of pipes freezing except in the coldest weather; and it is a simple matter to install a cut-off, so that these pipes may be emptied when not in use. Sanitation There should be a fully equipped bathroom on the bedroom floor and a toilet preferably a wash bowl also on the ground floor.

And his nature, formed for pervading attachments and steady memories, suffered grievously from the privation of much which even the coldest and calmest temper cannot forego without detriment and pain. For it is not with impunity that men commit themselves to the sole guidance of either of the two great elements of their being.

I should hate any of us to do it. Notya, you can't." "You forget," Mildred Caniper said in her coldest tones, "that I have not been accustomed to going there." "Well, do notice Lily's primroses," Helen said pleasantly. "They're like sunshine, and she's like " "No, please," John begged.

Their own philosopher Nietzsche writes: "the state is the coldest of all cold monsters." Joseph de Maistre, writing of the Slav temperament, says: "Si on enterrait un désir Slave sous une forteresse, il la ferait sauter." Germany has some reason to believe that this is true.

I came home on an undignified run, experiencing a lively sense of the inadequacy of two hands to protect two ears and a nose. Did the Creator intend man to inhabit high latitudes? At nightfall father, Bill, and Jim, the two latter being my younger brothers, arrived from their offices, each in succession declaring, with many "whews" and "ughs," that it was by all odds the coldest night yet.