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Upon extinguishing the torch-lights, about twelve in number, the darkness of the night seemed quite horrible; the water being also much charged with the phosphorescent appearance which is familiar to every one on shipboard, the waves, as they dashed upon the rock, were in some degree like so much liquid flame. The scene, upon the whole, was truly awful! Wednesday, 27th July.

The Democrats were hopeful and the Republicans resolute, and both parties were active in getting out their whole strength, as the saying is, at such times. This was done not only by speech-making, but by long nocturnal processions of torch-lights; by day, as well as by night, drums throbbed and horns brayed, and the feverish excitement spread its contagion through the whole population.

There had been a general sadness at the thought of his departure, and every testimony of affection and respect accompanied him. The students came in procession with torch-lights to give him a parting serenade, and many of his friends and colleagues were also present to bid him farewell.

Who can furnish teachers and editors and politicians familiar with all these languages? Considering how complex is the service, the price is extremely moderate the mere actual expenses of the campaign, the cost of red fire and torch-lights, of liquor and newspaper advertisements.

To the left of our position, and about 200 yards up the river, large trees were being felled during the night; and by the torch-lights showing the spot, the officer of the boat, Mr. Partridge, kept up a very fair ball-practice with the pinnace's gun.

There was a hurrying around in the darkness illumined by the flashing of torch-lights a discordant calling of names a careful inspection to see that none went but those allowed; then, forming two lines in the courtyard, and with bounding hearts, we passed outward through the dreaded portals of Castle Thunder the same portals we had passed inward more than three months before! passed out into the cool, but free night air!

It was not until then, that he knew she had been crying, for not once had he looked back. That she should cry, changed everything. And no wonder she was afraid. To the fences on either side of the country road, horses and mules were tethered. Torch-lights cast weird shadows.

Then began my knowledge of log-cabins, coon-skins, and of the name hard cider, the thump of drums, the crash of brass-bands, cockades, and torch-lights.

'Why, we want you to allow the captives to parade in the evening, with torch-lights and mottoes. 'All right! cried Dicky, kindling in an instant; ''n' Luby, 'n' the doat, 'n' my horn' toads, all e'cept the one that just gotted away in Laura's bed; but may be she'll find him to-night, so they'll be all there.

You're bound to become involved in a nasty controversy." "Yes?" inquired Bobby pleasantly. "Watch me become worse involved. More than that, I think I shall come down to the Idlers', when I get things straightened out here, organize a club league and make you fellows march with banners and torch-lights."