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She’s sorry for me,” Maida thought. “How sweet she looks!” But Rosie said nothing about Maida’s limp. She explained the process of top-spinning from end to end, step by step, making Maida copy everything that she did. At first Maida was too eagerher hands actually trembled. But gradually she gained in confidence. At last she succeeded in making one top spin feebly.

He just walked along until they came to a nice, smooth-dirt place in the woods, and then Uncle Wiggily said: "Let me see you spin my top, Billie. I want to watch you and see how it's done how you wind the string on, how you throw it down to the ground and all that. You just give me some lessons in top-spinning, please." "I will," said Billie.

The peeries were turned with perfect accuracy, and the steel shod, or spinning pivot, was centred so as to correspond exactly with the axis of the top. They could spin twice as long as the bought peeries. When at full speed they would "sleep," that is, revolve without the slightest waving. This was considered high art as regarded top-spinning.

He saw attempted murder in the pains of green-apple colic, cyclones in the summer zephyr, lost children in every top-spinning urchin, an uprising of the down-trodden masses in every hurling of a derelict potato at a passing automobile. When not rewriting, Ames sat on the porch of his Brooklyn villa playing checkers with his ten-year-old son. Ames and the "war editor" shut themselves in a room.