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"'No, she answered, 'for I am only going to buy a tooth-brush and a new sponge, as one ought to have new ones when one marries. "However, there never was a more successful marriage. They adored each other, and lived most happily together, and when she died he was broken-hearted indeed. He never recovered from the loss."

"'I can start right this minute, says Sweet Caps; 'my tooth-brush is packed and all I've got to do is to put on my hat. S'pose we run up to a Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, which is a nice secluded spot, he says, 'and catch the rattler. "'How are you fixed for currency? I says. "'Fixed? he says. 'I ain't fixed a-tall. A'int you been carrying the firm's bank-roll? Say, ain't you?

Beside it was placed a battered bread-basket, containing some broken biscuit; and a piece of villainously-scented cheese, distinguished by the name of purser's, lay near it, in company with an old, blood-stained, worn-out tooth-brush, and a shallow pewter wash-hand basin, filled with horridly dirty water.

"’Yesterday I played poker until I didn’t know a blue chip from a white one.’" It was a riddle with a vengeance. It is so easy to say "I’ll cut that Gordian knot!" and then pack one’s tooth-brush and start off unknotting, but it is quite another matter when one comes face to face with the problem and is met by the "buts" of those who have previously been essaying to disentangle it.

Now the clerk had three, being the allowance of the ship, or at least all that he had in his possession, and made some demur at parting with one; but at last he proposed "some rascal," as he said, "having stolen his tooth-brush" that if Jack would give him one he would give him one of the copies of the articles of war.

Another thing that has been insisted upon at the school is the use of the tooth-brush. "The gospel of the tooth-brush," as General Armstrong used to call it, is part of our creed at Tuskegee. No student is permitted to retain who does not keep and use a tooth-brush. Several times, in recent years, students have come to us who brought with them almost no other article except a tooth-brush.

Darndest sensation I ever felt, and the idol and columns sort of awe you. I enjoyed the swim and the room they gave me, but I had lost my tooth-brush and that kind of spoiled the end of the party. I noticed Watersell only half introduced his pretty daughter to me, they like me as a lion but And yet they seem to like me personally well enough, too.

Yarrell's 'Hist. of British Fishes, vol. ii. 1836, pp 417, 425, 436. Dr. The male, as Dr. Gunther informs me, has a cluster of stiff, straight spines, like those of a comb, on the sides of the tail; and these in a specimen six inches long were nearly one and a half inches in length; the female has in the same place a cluster of bristles, which may be compared with those of a tooth-brush.

Farther on he writes, "It has been interesting to note the effect that the use of the tooth-brush has had in bringing about a higher degree of civilization among the students.

The man jumped. "And you might get me a tooth-brush," Edward Henry airily suggested. "And I've a letter for the post." As he walked down Devonshire Square in the dark he hummed a tune; certain sign that he was self-conscious, uneasy, and yet not unhappy.