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Then I'm going out hunting, and my dear gallant grey will drop down dead with fatigue, and I shall lose my way; and when you hear me wind my horn too-too, you get upon your hoop that will be your boat, you know and answer 'Father! and when I too-too again, answer 'Malcolm! and then put up your hand behind your ear, and stand listening

But we owls can tell you, using only one ear, the color of a kitten from the way it winks in the dark." "Well, well!" said the Doctor. "You surprise me. That's very interesting.... Listen again and tell me what he's doing now." "I'm not sure yet," said Too-Too, "if it's a man at all. Maybe it's a woman. Lift me up and let me listen at the key-hole and I'll soon tell you."

Servants, indeed, I don't matter being angry with, when I please; they are paid for bearing it, and too-too often deserve it; as we have frequently taken notice of to one another. And, moreover, if we keep not servants at distance, they will be familiar. I always made it a rule to find fault, whether reasonable or not, that so I might have no reason to find fault.

Oh, if you could only see it! everything so wild and lovely; such grand plains, stretching such miles and miles and miles, all the most delicious velvety sand and sage-brush, and rabbits as big as a dog, and such tall and noble jackassful ears that that is what they name them by; and such vast mountains, and so rugged and craggy and lofty, with cloud-shawls wrapped around their shoulders, and looking so solemn and awful and satisfied; and the charming Indians, oh, how you would dote on them, aunty dear, and they would on you, too, and they would let you hold their babies, the way they do me, and they ARE the fattest, and brownest, and sweetest little things, and never cry, and wouldn't if they had pins sticking in them, which they haven't, because they are poor and can't afford it; and the horses and mules and cattle and dogs hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, and not an animal that you can't do what you please with, except uncle Thomas, but I don't mind him, he's lovely; and oh, if you could hear the bugles: TOO TOO TOO-TOO TOO TOO, and so on perfectly beautiful!

I withdrew my hand as hastily, as you may believe I should have done, had I, in feeling for one of your parcels under the wood, been bitten by a viper. I beg pardon, said I, Too-too ready to make advances, I am always subjecting myself to contempts. People who know not how to keep a middle behaviour, said she, must ever do so. I will fetch you the Kempis, Sister. I did. Here it is.

Then the crocodile and the monkey and the parrot were very glad and began to sing, because they were going back to Africa, their real home. And the Doctor said, "I shall only be able to take you three with Jip the dog, Dab-Dab the duck, Gub-Gub the pig and the owl, Too-Too.

Natural history of the valleyGolden lizardsTameness of the birdsMosquitoesFliesDogs—A solitary catThe climateThe cocoa-nut treeSingular modes of climbing itAn agile young chiefFearlessness of the childrenToo-too and the cocoa-nut treeThe birds of the valley. There were some curious-looking dogs in the valley.