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For this purpose, they fitted up seventeen large ships at Pandarane, which they armed on purpose to defend themselves against any attack from our men, and loaded them with all expedition for Mecca. Besides these, they loaded a great number of paraws and tonys with such goods as the ships were unable to contain.

On the Thursday after his departure, being becalmed about a league from Calicut, about sixty tonys, or boats of the country, came off to the fleet filled with soldiers expecting to have taken all our ships. But the general kept them off by frequent discharges of his artillery, though they followed him an hour and a half.

After these came 100 catures and eighty tonys, each of which had a piece of ordnance and thirty men. In the rear of all came the eight castles, which kept close by the point of Arraul, as the ebb was not yet altogether entered. The enemy came on with loud shouts and the sound of many instruments, as if to an assured victory, and immediately began a furious cannonade.

Four thousand of these were appointed to serve by water, in 280 vessels, called paraws, katurs, and tonys; with 382 pieces of cannon intended to batter the Portuguese fort at Cochin; and the rest of the troops were appointed to force a passage across the ford of the river, under the command of Naubea Daring, nephew and heir to the zamorin, and Elankol, the lord of Repelim .

He is one of several hundred original Tonys who conduct shoe-shining emporiums." "Emporia," corrected his partner, pouring out a tumbler of malt extract. "He formed an attachment for a certain young lady," went on Tutt, undisturbed, "who had previously had some sort of love affair with Crocedoro, as a result of which her social standing had become slightly impaired. In a word Tomasso jilted her.