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So when we had spent a long and merry time together till late in the night, they accompanied us home with lanterns in great honour. And they begged me to be ever assured and confident of their good will, and promised that in whatever I did they would be all-helpful to me. So I thanked them and laid me down to sleep. Tomasin, too, has given me a plaited hat of alder bark.

I dined once with the Frenchman, twice with the Hirschvogels' Fritz, and once with Master Peter Aegidius the Secretary, when Erasmus of Rotterdam also dined with us. I have twice more drawn with the metal-point the portrait of the beautiful maiden for Gerhard. I made Tomasin a design, drawn and tinted in half colours, after which he intends to have his house painted.

I have drawn the portrait in charcoal of Florent Nepotis, Lady Margaret's organist. On Monday night Herr Lopez invited me to the great banquet on Shrove-Tuesday, which lasted till two o'clock, and was very costly. Herr Lorenz Sterk gave me a Spanish fur. To the above-mentioned feast very many came in costly masks, and especially Tomasin and Brandan. I won two fl. at play.

I gave four st. as trinkgeld. I paid the doctor six st. and one st. for a box. I have dined five times with Tomasin. I paid ten st. at the apothecary's, and gave his wife fourteen st. for the clyster and himself.... To the monk who confessed my wife I gave eight st. MECHLIN, June 7 and 8, 1521. At Mechlin I lodged with Master Heinrich, the painter, at the sign of the Golden Head.

I also made the portrait of Tomasin's daughter, Mistress Zutta by name. Hans Pfaffroth gave me one Philips fl. for taking his portrait in charcoal. I have dined once more with Tomasin. My host's brother-in-law entertained me and my wife once. I changed two light florins for twenty-four st. for living expenses, and I gave one st. t&k&d to a man who let me see an altar-piece. August 19.

The 11 of August, the same ship being laden and despatched departed from the rode of S. Nicholas, and with her in company another of the companies fraighted ships, called the Tomasin, whereof was M. Christopher Hall.