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The road, after traversing the last of these chains, suddenly reveals a wide valley which bears evidence of fertility in its dense forests, and the straggling fields which receive less attention than they deserve. The Tolla has an ugly habit of rising suddenly and falling deliberately.

Those going southward are principally laden with logs of wood from the valley of the Tolla, about two hundred miles from the Siberian frontier. The logs are about six or seven feet long, and their principal use is to be cut into Chinese coffins.

The house to which Louise of Stolberg, now Louise d'Albany, or rather, as she signed herself at this time, Louise R., was conducted after her five days' wedding journey, has passed through several hands since belonging to the Sacchettis, the Muti Papazzurris, and now-a-days to the family of About's charming and unhappy Tolla Ferraldi.

"Nothing can be more charming than the description which Edmond About gives, in his novel of 'Tolla, of the reception evenings of an old noble Roman family, the spirit of repose and quietude through all the apartments, the ease of coming and going, the perfect homelike spirit in which the guests settle themselves to any employment of the hour that best suits them, some to lively chat, some to dreamy, silent lounging, some to a game, others, in a distant apartment, to music, and others still to a promenade along the terraces.

Come, Leone, we will make haste, so as to set off ere the day gets more advanced." And warmly embracing her father, the girl sped swiftly away, followed by her cousin. In half an hour the cortege was ready, and, after some little hesitation on Don Garcia's part, they started. Lianor, with her two favorite maids, Lalli and Tolla, were cosily seated in a palanquin carried by four strong men.

"Get his axe!" yelled Good; and perhaps our champion heard him. At any rate, dropping the tolla, he snatched at the axe, which was fastened to Twala's wrist by a strip of buffalo hide, and still rolling over and over, they fought for it like wild cats, drawing their breath in heavy gasps.

Not many days after, Manuel Tonza, his wife, children, Panteleone, and Savitre, accompanied by several faithful servants, including Lalli and Tolla, embarked in a fine stately ship, which was to bear them in safety to their home. Tonza seemed full of joy as he saw the last lines of the Indian coast disappear. He had rarely appeared so happy since his marriage with Lianor five years before.

The desert is crossed by various ridges and small mountain chains, that increase in frequency and make the country more broken as one approaches the Tolla, the largest stream between Pekin and Kiachta.

It is clear that here and elsewhere the pilgrims are all assumed to be true sons of the Church. Transl. 6: An expression in use among collegians in France, to describe those students who are unable to pass their examinations; tantamount to our English plucked. 7: A man who has worn cioccie. 8: 'Tolla. 1 vol. 12mo. 9: 'The Victories of the Church, by the Priest Margotti. 1857.

With a supreme effort Twala swung the Englishman clean off his feet, and down they came together, rolling over and over on the lime paving, Twala striking out at Curtis' head with the battle-axe, and Sir Henry trying to drive the tolla he had drawn from his belt through Twala's armour. It was a mighty struggle, and an awful thing to see.