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We need not trace miasms to Caracas from the unhealthy shore on the coast: it may be easily conceived that men accustomed to the drier air of the mountains and the interior, must be disagreeably affected when the very humid air of the sea, pressed through the gap of Tipe, reaches in an ascending current the high valley of Caracas, and, getting cooler by dilatation, and by contact with the adjacent strata, deposits a great portion of the water it contains.

And, to prove the truth of what I said, I showed her the sachet over my heart containing his rose. "It's perfectly wonderfull," Jane said, in an awed tone. "You beat anything I've ever known for Adventures. You are the tipe men like, for one thing.

I then inquired if he prefered the clinging Vine or the independant tipe, which follows its head and not its instincts. He said a man liked to be engaged to a clinging Vine, but that after marriage a Vine got to be a darned nusance and took everything while giving nothing, being the sort to prefer chicken croquets to steak and so on, and wearing a boudoir cap in bed in the mornings.

Well, as they have hung an hour and fifteen minutes to long as it is, I guess the Country won't go to the dogs if you shut that window until I get a shirt on. Go away and send Williarm up in ten minutes." "Father," I demanded, intencely, "do you consider yourself a Patriot?" "Well," he said, "I'm not the shouting tipe, but I guess I'll be around if I'm needed.

It is, however, only a westerly wind in appearance, and it is oftener the breeze of the east and north-east, which, rushing with extreme impetuosity, engulfs itself in the Quebrada de Tipe. Rebounding from the high mountains of Aguas Negras, this wind finds its way back to Caracas, in the direction of the hospital of the Capuchins and the Rio Caraguata.

"And if you are doing nothing for the country yourself you should at least allow others to do so." He was a not unreasonable tipe and this seemed to effect him. For he sat down on one of our stools and said: "Well, I don't know about that, miss. You see " "Captain," I put in. Because he might as well know that we meant business. "Captain, of course!" he said. "You'll have to excuze me.

The inhabitants of Caracas are desirous to avail themselves of the anchorage of Catia, to the west of Cabo Blanco. M. Bonpland and myself examined that point of the coast during our second abode at La Guayra. A ravine, called the Quebrada de Tipe, descends from the table-land of Caracas towards Catia.

However common this plant is become in the south of Europe, the native of a northern climate is never weary of admiring the rapid development of a liliaceous plant, which contains at once a sweet juice and astringent and caustic liquids, employed to cauterize wounds. We found several veins of quartz in the valley of Tipe visible above the soil.

And I should be a better Sister if not condemed to her old things, including hats which do not suit my Tipe." Mother moved over magestically to the door and shut it. Then she came and stood over me. "I've come to the conclusion, Barbara," she said, "to appeal to your better Nature. Do you wish Leila to be married and happy?" "I've just said, mother "

So I got the new Sweater, and everything looked smooth again, and mother kissed me on the way out, and said she had not meant to be harsch, but that my great uncle Putnam had been a notorious drunkard, and I looked like him, although of a more refined tipe. There was a dreadful row that night, however, when father came home.