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Then Paolo Veronese, who, though born at Verona, in 1537, adopted Venice as his home, and became the fellow-artist of Tintoretto, and the disciple of Titian. Pordenone, too, who viewed Titian as a rival and an enemy. Palma the young, and Palma the old, born in 1548, and the Bassanos, who died near 1627.

It is the unison of scene and act that gives his pictures a unity and completeness never or rarely found elsewhere. After Titian came painters among them, mighty ones who, like Tintoretto, wrought from the external. The elements of the landscape were treated with knowledge and power, but not often with feeling, and very seldom with a recognition of its central significance.

Everything that he did had a certain aloofness and distinction. In drawing, no Venetian was his superior, not even Tintoretto; and his colour, peculiarly his own, is characterized by a certain aureous splendour, as though he mixed gold with all his paints. Tintoretto and he, though latterly, in Titian's very old age, rivals, were close friends.

"The design of Michael Angelo and the color of Titian," was the inscription of Tintoretto over the door of his painting-room. Whether he intended to designate these two artists as his future models matters not; but that he did not follow them is evidenced in his works.

Keeping on the right side of the Rio di S. Margherita we come quickly to the campo of the Carmine, where another church awaits us. S. Maria del Carmine is not beautiful, and such pictures as it possesses are only dimly visible a "Circumcision" by Tintoretto, a Cima which looks as though it might be rather good, and four Giorgionesque scenes by Schiavone.

Among these relics of an age more happy in this respect than that of which we write, the connoisseur would readily have known the pencils of Titian, Paul Veronese, and Tintoretto the three great names in which the subjects of St. Mark so justly prided themselves.

As they stepped back into the room behind them, she repeated the names of three of the great painters whose works have helped to make Venice a treasure-city. "Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto," she said over and over again, as she looked at the pictures which Rafael pointed out to her in the long rooms.

Yet the whole is governed by a strict sense of sobriety. The restlessness of Correggio, the violent attitudinising of Tintoretto, belong alike to another and less noble spirit. To speak adequately of these form-poems would be quite impossible.

Isn't there anything you want to tell me about your work your book?" His face lit up eagerly the topic was congenial. "My papers are safe," he said. "All the initial work of classification and description that I did on the Tintoretto is in French's keeping, and he and Sinclair the man who has my place are going to edit the book.

It was not after the manner of any of the great artists, and they were rather afraid of his bold, furious-looking work. Nevertheless Tintoretto worked steadily on, always hoping, and whenever there was a chance of doing any work, even without receiving payment for it, he seized it eagerly.