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There were besides, some tinkerings by modern regulators endeavouring to counteract the uneven strain over the instrument. The right spot, or it may be called the axis of the instrument, having been found, the peghole was neatly and permanently plugged, and a fresh one bored, which allowed the strain to be better distributed.

Now, as a matter of fact, while some of the quarto editions of separate plays are very bad texts, others are so good that the Folio sometimes practically reprints them, with some tinkerings, from manuscripts.

It's like turning an old coat; going to bring the flesh on the other side now. I don't like this cobbling sort of business I don't like it at all; it's undignified; it's not my place. Let tinkers' brats do tinkerings; we are their betters.

It's like turning an old coat; going to bring the flesh on the other side now. I don't like this cobbling sort of business I don't like it at all; it's undignified; it's not my place. Let tinkers' brats do tinkerings; we are their betters.

"Brains!" snorted Riedriech. "What is it you know about brains? No doctor knows what is on the inside of brains! You make tinkerings mit the inside plumbings, Gott bewahre! and cut up womens and cats and such-like poor little dumb beasts and says you, 'Now I know all about the brains of man. It is right there where you are wrong, Comrade Geddes!" "Habet!" said Comrade Geddes.

You would have said that such speed meant countless imperfections of detail. No doubt some tinkerings and modifications were bound to follow, when the regiment of workmen, carpenters, engineers, drainage specialists, electricians, had vanished.

I suggested, for there was a murmur behind us of lowered voices broken by the sudden squeaking giggles of childhood. I returned to my tinkerings and she leaned forward, her chin on her hand, listening interestedly. "How many are they?" I said at last. The work was finished, but I saw no reason to go. Her forehead puckered a little in thought. "I don't quite know," she said simply.

"Occasionally there will be found in and about old repairings or tinkerings lumps of pitch-like substances, hard or soft as the occasion has seemed to the workman to require, or possibly the only stuff obtainable, if not with the idea of a damp resisting material.

I am now busy with various things, not incessantly though; but enough to require my frequent tinkerings; and this is the height of the haying season, and my nag is dragging home his winter's dinners all the time. And so, one way and another, I am not a disengaged man, but shall be very soon.