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"I wish Massa Horace could see her now. I'se sure he nebber say such cruel tings no more." "He ought surely to be here! You have sent for him, Adelaide?" Mrs. Travilla said inquiringly. "She is very ill, and it is of great importance that her mind should be set at rest, if indeed it can be done at present." "I wrote this morning," Adelaide said, "and I shall write every day until he comes."

"Hy da!" suddenly shouted the aged Jericho, looking up. "You da, Biler? You jis come down heah an' help me fotch along dese yar tings. Ef you ain't got notin' to do, Ise precious soon find you lots ob tings. Hurry down, da; make haste; relse I'll pitch some hot water up at you. I can't be boddered wid dese yer pots an' pans any longer, cos Ise got de dinna to meditate 'bout."

Oh, blessed Jesus, by de remembrance of de thorn marks an' de nail prints an' de woun' in thy side forgive thy ungrateful chillen. We'se ben a' lookin' roun on de perishin' tings of earth fer our comfort, an' a' seekin' our homes in this worl'. Lord, help us ter find our real home in thee! Help us ter steal away ter Jesus, when de storm cloud hangs low and de billows roar about our heads.

If we had tried to help ebery one to 'scape we should mighty soon hab been hunted down. "Well, sar, I libed dere for three year. It was a lonesome life. I planted a few yams round de hut, and de plantation hands would bring me tings dat dey got hold of.

I don't know whar, but it's somewhar not fur from 'Liab dat yer may be shore on, honey. Now, yer see, Miss Mollie, dar's two or tree tings makes me tink so. In de fus' place, yer know, I see dat feller, Berry, atter all dis ting wuz ober, an' talked wid him an' told him dat Nimbus lef all right, an' dat he tuk 'Liab wid him, an' dat Bre'er 'Liab wuz mighty bad hurt.

"'Pears ter me," said old Tobe, "dat Uncle Sheba might hab a little law an' gospel 'plied ter him. He am one ob de fam'ly. I'se a heap ol'er dan he be, an' I'se up wid de sun an' I ony wish I could set when de sun sets. 'Pears like he orter tote some ob de tings ez well ez his slip ob a grandaughter," and old Tobe's wool seemed fairly to bristle with indignation and antipathy.

"Well, mass'r, some folks says she am proud, case de common niggers envy ob her daat's de troof. She nebber proud to Ole Zip, daat I knows she talk to 'im, an tell 'im many tings she help teach Ole Zip read, and de ole Chloe, and de leettle Chloe, an she " "It is a description of her person I ask for, Scipio." "Oh! a 'scription ob her person ye daat is, what am she like?" "So.

Hit's these foe hundred Niggers thet er raisin all ther trouble." ... "Well, les git ter bizness, gentermen," broke in Teck Pervis "There's er lot befoe us ter do; Hell is ter begin at ther Cotton Press under Kurnel Moss, while Cap'n Keen'll kinder peramerlate er roun in ther middle er ther town with thet everlasting hell belcher uv his ter keep tings in check.

He say orful tings ter marse cap'n who didin't gib back a inch en sez, sez he, 'I challing you. Shoose yo' weapons en place ob meetin" Dem he berry words. Den yo' cousin shose 'volvers en de far side ob de grobe up dar en said 'we fight ter de deth. Deth useter seem orful, Miss Lou, but sech a heap ob mens die dat ef Mad Whately des set on dyin', w'y not let 'im hab he way?

"Law sakes, honey, what all dese?" the colored aunty asked. "They are my start in trade," replied Mara, smiling. "Den you's gwine to hab a mighty big start, fer I got lots o' tings in dis basket." "Why, Aun' Sheba! Did you think I was going to let you furnish the materials?" "Ef you furnish de makin' up ob de 'terials what mo' you oughter do, I'd like ter know?"