United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Crewe would get twenty delegates out of a thousand hid himself for shame. On the whole, the "monumental farce" forecast seemed best to fit the situation. A conference was held at Leith between the candidate, Mr. Tooting, and the Honourable Timothy Watling of Newcastle, who was preparing the nominating speech, although the convention was more than two months distant. Mr.

"I've stayed here long enough, if even my sister-in-law, as well as my own nephew, from whom I expect nothing better, makes me her laughingstock. Brother Timothy, I can no longer remain in your dwelling to be laughed at; I will go to the poorhouse and end my miserable existence as a common pauper.

He allowed matters to take their course, and me to work my own way in the world. Thus do the most cunning overreach themselves, and with their eyes open to any deceit on the part of others, prove quite blind when they deceive themselves. Timothy could not obtain any intelligence from the people of the inn at the last stage, except that the chariot had proceeded to London.

It was next charged that Colonel Burr had sent, at his own expense, special agents to different states, previous to the choice of electors, with the view of influencing their selection, and to promote his own elevation to the exclusion of Mr. Jefferson. The agents named were Mr. Abraham Bishop, of New-Haven, and Mr. Timothy Green, of New-York. It was asserted that Mr. Bishop was Mr.

Timothy Cockayne heaved a deep sigh and rang for his bill. He was to leave for London on the morrow and his wife and daughters were to find lodgings. I Introduce at this point its proper date Miss Carrie Cockayne's letter to Miss Sharp: "Grand Hôtel, Paris. "DEAREST EMMY They are all out shopping, so here's a long letter. I haven't patience with the men.

A mixture of timothy, redtop and weeds was cut for hay on No. 6, the yield being better than half a ton per acre. The apples were a fair crop, and the total sales from that crop amounted to $750, but about half of this had been expended for trimming and spraying the trees, a spraying outfit, barrels, picking, packing, freight and cold storage. A good bunch of hogs were sold. Another year passed.

"So I should imagine, my dear Japhet," replied Timothy, "and I trust it will not prove a disappointment." "They never would be so cruel, Timothy," replied I. "But still it is evident that Mr Masterton is concerned in it," observed Timothy. "Why so?" inquired I. "How otherwise should it appear in the Reading newspaper? He must have examined the post-mark of my letter."

I will accept your offer as freely as it is made, and take £500, just to make a show for the few weeks that I am in suspense, and then you will find, that with all my faults, I am rot deficient in gratitude." I divided the money with the Major, and he shortly afterwards went out. "Well, sir," said Timothy, entering, full of curiosity, "what have you done?"

Sir Timothy had begun to talk about the opera but Francis was a little distrait. His companion glanced at him curiously. "You are puzzled, Mr. Ledsam?" he remarked. "Very," was the prompt response. Sir Timothy smiled. "You are one of these primitive Anglo-Saxons," he said, "who can see the simple things with big eyes, but who are terribly worried at an unfamiliar constituent.

Smither was getting garrulous! "I just want to look round and see if there's anything to be done." "Yes, sir. I don't think there's anything except a smell of mice in the dining-room that we don't know how to get rid of. It's funny they should be there, and not a crumb, since Mr. Timothy took to not coming down, just before the war.