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One Monday morning Misery gave each of the sub-foremen an envelope containing one of the firm's memorandum forms. Crass opened his and found the following: Crass When you are on a job with men under you, check and initial their time-sheets every night. If they are called away and sent to some other job, or stood off, check and initial their time-sheets as they leave your job.

The foreman ran to and fro apportioning the wages with nervous hands, comparing time-sheets and reckoning the sum due to each. The manager came down the stairs of his office, proud and unapproachable, and walked through the shop; the workers made way for him.

The foreman ran to and fro apportioning the wages with nervous hands, comparing time-sheets and reckoning the sum due to each. The manager came down the stairs of his office, proud and unapproachable, and walked through the shop; the workers made way for him.

Colonel Shaw was carrying his shoulders well back and seemed to be taller than usual, his new air of pomposity making him a head thrust above the horde. Colonel Shaw offensively banged the door behind himself. Mac Tavish removed a package of time-sheets that covered a pile of paper-weights.

Me I have trent' dollar; the grand tief me pay " Stuyvesant signed to the servant. "Take them round to the back corral; we can't have them on the veranda." Then he turned to Dick. "You and Bethune must convince them that the time-sheets are right; you know more about the thing than I do. Haven't you been helping François, Fuller?" "I'm not a linguist," Jake answered with a grin.

We expect you and the other foremen to help us to carry out these rules, AND ANY INFORMATION GIVEN US ABOUT ANY MAN IS TREATED IN CONFIDENCE. Rushton & Co. Every week the time-sheets were scrutinized, and every now and then a man would be 'had up on the carpet' in the office before Rushton and Misery, and interrogated as to why he had taken fifteen hours to do ten hours work?