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Where his first impulse had been to laugh, he now felt the grim thrill and admiration of men of other days, who, when in Stampede's presence, knew they were in the presence of a master. The old Stampede had come to life again. And Alan knew why. The grip of his hand tightened, and Stampede returned it.

Mackenzie tore at the great, stiff arms with his last desperate might, perhaps staying a little the pressure that in a moment more must snap his spine. As the assassin tightened this terrible grip Mackenzie's face was lifted toward the sky.

David tightened his blue serge apron roll about his waist, and followed up into the observatory, smiling, but ready to depreciate everything. "Ay, but it's a big change," he said; "no sacks o' wheat, no reg'lar machinery. There's the master's tallow scoop; he give me a look through it once, and there was the moon all covered with spots o' grease like you see on soup sometimes.

May, my darlin', this is Paul Armstrong. She held out her hand, and Paul took it shyly in his own. He had very rarely touched a hand which was not roughened more or less by labour. The warm, soft pressure tightened on his own hard palm for an instant only, but he tingled from head to foot as if he had touched something electric. 'Oh!'-she said, 'this is Uncle Armstrong's little boy?

Across the vast encampment before Petersburg a biting wind blew that Thanksgiving day. It came through every cranny of our hut; it bellied the canvas on one side and tightened it on the other; it pressed flat down the smoke from a hundred thousand mud chimneys, and swept away so quickly the little coals which fell on the canvas that they had not time to burn through.

Dick, it's the man we're after!" It was by now almost noon. They boiled tea at the old camp site, and tightened their belts for a stern chase. That afternoon the head wind opposed them, exasperating, tireless in its resistance, never lulling for a single instant. At the moment it seemed more than could be borne.

The muscles in his face tightened, and deepened the lines about his mouth, and a fire was lighted about his eyes. "Cynthia," he said slowly, "even you shall not speak to me like that. If I had believed it were right, if I had believed that it would have done any good to you or me, I should have told my father the moment I got to Brampton.

One moment he paused; carefully took its measure; then, leaning over, looked down. Sixty feet remained, a precipitous slope, with nothing to which foot could hold, or hand could cling. Jim Airth buttoned his Norfolk jacket, and tightened his belt.

Unwillingly her hand tightened under his, and her blood beat faster and her color came and went as they two moved as one. Anger helpless anger took possession of her as she saw the smiles on the faces of her friends, and Puss Russell mockingly throwing a kiss as she passed her. And then, strange in the telling, a thrill as of power rose within her which she strove against in vain.

To be a champion to such as have none to help them, to succour the distressed, to comfort the mourner, to free those who are wrongfully oppressed, even though kings be the oppressors that is the true courage, the true chivalry; that is the service to which thou, my brother, art pledged." Raymond bent his head, whilst Joan's clasp tightened on his hand.