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But Phil knew the fan was not there. And that night he was disturbed even in his dreams and woke at intervals with the feeling that all the troubles of the universe weighed him down. The next morning he was again with Chief Baldwin and Amos Longworth, the detective, a tight-lipped stranger with narrow eyes, who had been chosen to look into the matter.

She leaned toward Mollie, grasping the steering wheel of the motionless car frantically. "For heaven's sake, Mollie, get out of the way! Start the car!" she screamed. "I can't!" Mollie answered, tight-lipped. "Something's wrong. The motor's dead." But with Grace's scream, Betty had come to her senses and had scrambled out of the car, dragging the still paralyzed Amy after her. "Grace, get out!

Then he returned to his horses, and she stayed as before, with her forehead against the bars, just staring out. Watching her like that, unseen, I seemed to be able to see right through that tight-lipped, lynx-eyed mask. I seemed to know that little creature through and through, as one knows anything that one surprises off its guard, sunk in its most private moods.

You do, and I do, too. And that goes for Jack, too." They heard the door to the communications shack open, and the Black Doctor was back in the room. "Well?" he said. "Am I interrupting something?" He glanced sharply at the tight-lipped doctors. "The call was from the survey section," he went on blandly.

Henshaw was very old. He was always so erect and carried his chin so high that the loose skin of his throat hung in two sharp ridges. In spite of the tight-lipped mouth, the beaklike nose, and the small, gleaming eyes, there was something about his face which intensified his age.

Straight to Gracie, huddled on the floor in her night-dress, she went, and lifted the child bodily to her bed. Gracie clung to her, sobbing passionately. Mr. Lorimer lingered in the doorway. "Will you go, please?" said Avery, tight-lipped and rigid, the child clasped to her throbbing heart. It was a definite command, spoken in a tone that almost compelled compliance, and Mr.

It looked almost as if he were still afraid of that white-haired, fragile, tight-lipped little woman, and the sight of him filled Keith with a vague uneasiness. "Please sit down," said the grandmother at last. "I did not mean to disturb you, and Keith looks as if he might fall in a heap any moment." "Why don't you stand up straight, Keith," asked his mother.

It was the figure of Sikkem Bruce, bearing no trace whatever of any mortal injury, and with a look of wide-eyed surprise upon his evil countenance. Jeff moved up the room. He approached without haste. His eyes were steady, and his expression one of tight-lipped determination. There was something coldly commanding in his attitude. His fair, bronzed features, keen, set, displayed no weakening.

With him, in the subordinate capacity of secretary, came a lean, small-headed, tight-lipped man, with wide-set, intelligent eyes and prominent cheek-bones one Niccolo Macchiavelli, who, in needy circumstances at present, and comparatively obscure, was destined to immortal fame.

Many miles away a dusty, haggard-faced rider urged his weary horse over the great highroad. Danger lurked in every shadow, but he heeded nothing was scarcely conscious of what went on about him. He, too, suffered, but no remorse mingled itself with his tight-lipped grief. He had done the right and according to his code and way of thinking the only merciful thing.