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The conductor went out on the platform and consulted with the ticket-chopper. He was scrutinizing his watch for the second time, when the faint jingle of an east-bound car was heard. "Here she comes!" said the ticket-chopper. A shout, and a man bounded up the steps, three at a time. It was an engineer who, to make connection with his locomotive at Chatham Square, must catch that train.

Looked like kind of a simple guy, this Hartley Tyler. I expect it was the wide-set, sort of starey eyes, or maybe the stiff way he had of holdin' his neck. If you'd asked me I'd said he might have qualified as a rubber-stamp secretary in some insurance office, or as a tea-taster, or as a subway ticket-chopper. Anyway, he wasn't one you'd look for any direct action from.

She gave him smile for smile, took up her pasteboard and followed the crowd through the gate. The ticket-chopper yelled at the back of her head, "Here, where you goin'?" She turned to him, and his scowl relaxed. He pointed to the box and pleaded: "Put her there, miss, if you please." She smiled at the ticket-chopper and dropped the flake into the box.

The office employees, the hall porter, the janitor, the elevator man, messenger boys, the waiters at the cafe where the editor has luncheon, the man at the news-stand where he buys his evening paper, the grocer and milkman, the guard on the 5.30 uptown elevated train, the ticket-chopper at Sixty th street, the cook and maid at his home these are the readers who pass upon MSS. sent in to the Hearthstone Magazine.

"I would like it very much," said the weakling's wife, dropping her eyes to hide the pride in them. "Suppose," said the weakling, "that you run up after dinner, Bob, and bring him down. Now sit still, young man, and finish. There's no such hurry as that." And in this fashion did old Adelbert become ticket-chopper of the American Scenic Railway.

She went to dances, but though sometimes she toddled a bit, mostly she sat out or tucked in. During her three years as a waitress several customers looked at her with interest though without much principle. The president of a well-known bank, the proprietor of a folding-bed concern, a retired plumber, a Divinity student and a ticket-chopper. None of these made her bat an eyelash.

Hefty was still in doubt about it and was much perplexed. Auchmuty Stein told him Charlie Macklin, the Third Avenue ticket-chopper, was after the same suit, and that he had better take it while he could get it. But Hefty said he'd think about it.

Thus as a man originally became a gentleman, or a king, by force of valour, the cane in its evolution has ever been the symbol of a superior caste. A man cannot do manual labour carrying a cane. And it would be a moral impossibility for one of servile state a butler, for instance, or a ticket-chopper to present himself in the role of his occupation ornamented with a cane.

There are fully as many others who would be burdened with the cares of a ticket-chopper.