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"Well, this was the first time, I reckon, that a cyclone evah met its match, becawse a cyclone was nevah known befo' to stop at anything until it had cleaned up the earth and just stopped then on account of its bein' out of breath and tiahd. But it met its match that time. "You see, Texas is full of those measly little peccaries. You can hahdly live, they say, down theah for them.

Well, if it must it must; but we will put half-windows into that cellah so it won't be da'k, so it won't be like this, a hole in the ground. We will light it with electrics. But we won't talk of the cellah. That saddens me. I am tiahd of livin' in the hole in the ground myself sometimes. We will talk of the beautiful rooms above ground that we will build fo' her. "Look.

Why should a cyclone that could snatch up a river and toss it to the clouds, fight shy of the forks of two? Looking fearfully around at the shadows, she interrupted him: "I am afraid," she whispered. "I am afraid!" Seth left his place at the table and took her in his arms. "Po' little gurl," he said. "Afraid, and tiahd, too. Travelin' so fah. Of cose, she's tiahd!"

"No, suh! no, suh! none that kaint wait till mawhnin', suh," Bo Peep assured him, adding to himself, "Tiahd as he is, he's not gwine way out to Grass Riveh this blessed night, not if I loses my job of bein' custodian of this huh 'stablishment. Not long's my name's Bone-ah-gees Peepehville, no, suh!" Dr. Carey settled down for the evening with some inexplicable misgiving he could not overcome.