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Brackett's retreating nose. "Think I don't know how to make plum-duff me that's sailed the sea for thutty-five years?" "Never made no such remarks on your cookin'," declared the guest, clearing his husky throat in which the food seemed to be sticking. "Hain't got no fault to find with that plum-duff?" "Not a mite," agreed Mr. Brackett, heartily.

"Thirty-five," said a red-faced man who had pushed his way to the front and was looking Skipper over sharply. The man on the box said "Thutty-five" a good many times and asked if he "heard forty." Evidently he did not, for he stopped and said very slowly and distinctly, looking expectantly around: "Are you all done? Thirty-five once. Thirty-five twice.

"Le's see!" said Hiram, fingering his nose, "was it real money or Confederate scrip that you let him have on your morgidge?" "Thutty-five hunderd ain't much on the most central piece of real estate in this village," declared the Cap'n, in stout defence. "It's central, all right, but so is the stomach-ache," remarked Hiram, calmly.

We've got to run this till we can sell it, wimmen or no wimmen and you hadn't ought to be a quitter with thutty-five hunderd in it." But there was very little enthusiasm or determination in the Cap'n's face. The sullenness deepened there when he saw a vehicle turn in at the tavern yard. It was a red van on runners, and on its side was inscribed: T. BRACKETT, TINWARE AND YANKEE NOTIONS.

Give you good secu'ty give you my note, Mistoo Itchlin, in fact; muz baw fawty aw thutty-five." "Why, I'm very sorry," responded Richling, really ashamed that he could not hold his face straight. "I hope you understand" "Mistoo Itchlin, 'tis baw'd money. If you had a necessity faw it you would use it.