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An' sunce there be balance un all thungs, so wull there be balance wuth me. Sux o' one an' half a dozen o' the other there uz the balance, an' oz sure oz the sun rises un the marnun', thot sure wull ut be a boy." And boy it was, and a prodigy. Dr.

Do the world run by hut or muss, an' be God a weak, shully-shallyun' creature thot ud alter the fate an' destiny o' thungs because the worm Margaret Henan seen fut tull name her bairn Samuel? There be my son Jamie. He wull no sign a Rooshan-Funn un hus crew because o' believun' thot Rooshan-Funns do be monajun' the wunds an' hov the makun' o' bod weather. Wull you be thunkun' so?

Ut fair carried away the door an' laid ut flat on the mess table an' smashed out the chief's room. He was a but sore about ut." "It must 'a' been a big un," the pilot remarked sympathetically. "Aye, ut was thot. Thungs was lively for a but. Ut finished the mate. He was on the brudge wuth me, an' I told hum tull take a look tull the wedges o' number one hatch.

An' wuth such masters uz a captun serves the owners, the underwriters, an' the Board o' Trade, all pullun' an wantun' dufferent thungs the owners wantun' quick passages an' domn the rusk, the underwriters wantun' safe passages an' domn the delay, an' the Board o' Trade wantun' cautious passages an' caution always meanun' delay.

I seehum holdun' thungs' un fronto' luttle Sammy's eyes, an' a-makun' noises, loud an' soft, an' far an' near, un luttle Sammy's ears. An' then I see Doctor Hall go away, wrunklun' hus eyebrows an' shakun' hus head like the bairn was ailun'. But he was no ailun', oz I could swear tull, me a-seeun' hum eat an' grow.