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Splashes of newly thrown-up earth behind tree-clumps, against banks and alongside hedges, showed the short breast-high trenches, some six yards long, in which the infantry had fought a few days before. Fifteen hundred yards away the clustering trees of the great forest where the enemy lay broke darkly against the horizon.

I observed no ashlars among the ruins nor any evidence of careful masonry. It seems to me likely that it was a hastily thrown-up fortification serving for a single military campaign, rather than any permanent affair like the Roman wall of North Britain or the Great Wall of China.

"Biggs thought that Rosenfelt would retreat during the night. He could not believe that he would undertake to maintain himself in the position in which he bad been forced. He thought that he had only to wait until morning to gather the fruits of a great victory. He was mistaken. The next morning he found the Union forces in a compact line skirting the timber, with hastily thrown-up earthworks.

Cricket is a capital game: it looks well to see light, active figures chasing the ball when the batsman has thrown all his power into the leg hit, and sent the ball bounding and skimming far away beyond the farther fielder; then backwards and forwards run the men at the wickets, while the onlookers cheer and shout at the bowler's prowess, as he stops the thrown-up ball, and hurls it at the wicket-keeper, who, with apparently one motion for catching and knocking off the bailes, puts the hard hitter out.

From different parts of the ring, one after another, man or woman, ran forth into the midst; ducked, with that same gesture of the thrown-up hand, before the priestess and her snakes; and with various adjurations, uttered aloud the blackest wishes of the heart.

It was wonderfully exciting work, for as we drew nearer in we came into the range of fire of other forts and ships, and the air seemed to be thick with missiles, while shrapnel was bursting all round us, and the water was torn by flying shot to such an extent that our decks were streaming, and all hands of us were wet through with the thrown-up spray.

He stopped her with an impatiently thrown-up hand. "It's not that I'm all right. It's worse it's my son " "The sailor?" "News has come that the Doughty has gone down. All lost." "Your son was in that ship?" He did not answer, but pressed his lips, which were piteously quivering, together, and looked at her in staring misery. "I am going into the village to wire for confirmation.

From that railroad on the Confederate right, in front and clear around the town, past an old gin house which stood out clear and distinct in the November sunlight on past the Carter House, to the extreme left bend of the river on the left in short, from river to river again and entirely inclosing the town and facing the enemy ran the newly made and hastily thrown-up breastworks of the federal army, the men rested and ready for battle.

He there heard the Professor of "Amenagement des Forets" lecturing to his pupils, and pointing out this case as a "beautiful example of the natural cultivation of the soil; for year after year the thrown-up castings cover the dead leaves; the result being a rich humus of great thickness." In the year 1869, Mr.

But the sea was now placid and beautiful, with the sun making his beams glance off the heaving waves in far spreading rays, while the tiny retiring wavelets left their marks upon the sand in little ripple-marks, covered all over with the casts thrown-up by the sea-worms.