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He lightly placed the envelope upon the blotter before Saxham; reached out and took the shiny top-hat off the writing-table, fitted it with peculiar care on his pinkish, sandy, close-cropped head, and said, looking at Saxham with a pleasant smile. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind throwin' your eye over the contents of that envelope?

"It's the chink!" exploded Billy pantingly. "They tried to run him off the place! He's locked the kitchen and gone to throwin' out hot water and Chinese language like a fire-engine on a drunk. And now they're all a-packin' up to quit the house, and you won't have a doggone boarder left, fer they won't eat Chinese chuck!"

And ef she once saw what a heap she is throwin' away, she might think Ah was gettin' too much!" Mrs. Brewster laughed at Sary's wily ways, and replied: "Well, I'll spare you from all the work as long as you are gathering plums from Bob's orchard. I hope you can fill a whole trunk, Sary." But an unforeseen outgrowth of all these donations was sure to happen.

"All right," says I. "Not that I can figure how it's goin' to work out, but if that's your idea of throwin' the switch on her, I'm right behind you. Just give me the proper cues, that's all." "Wait until I hear from my telegram," says Vee. "I'll let you know." I didn't get the word until Tuesday afternoon, when she 'phones down. "He's coming," says Vee. "Isn't he the dear, though?

If M'sieu' will give me another hearing it shall be my pleasure to explain fully." I rose and summoned the keeper. De Nevers bowed and offered his hand, which I took. "I have much to thank you for!" he repeated. As I hurried out of the room I encountered the keeper outside the door. "Say, Counsellor, what sort of a 'con' was he throwin' into you?" he inquired with a wink.

He liked his tods too well, howsever, & they floored him, as they have many other promisin young men. Iago injuces Mike to drink with him, Iago slyly throwin his whiskey over his shoulder. Mike gits as drunk as a biled owl & allows that he can lick a yard full of the Veneshun fancy before breakfast, without sweatin a hair. He meets Roderigo & proceeds for to smash him.

Just as he was about to lift her down, she put one arm around his neck, and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Good-bye, gran'fatha'," she said, in her most winning way. "I've had a mighty nice time." Then she added, in a lower tone, "'Kuse me fo' throwin' mud on yo' coat." He held her close a moment, thinking nothing had ever before been half so sweet as the way she called him grandfather.

"'There, says Simeon, peelin' off HIS coat and throwin' himself back in one chair with his feet on another one. 'Now, by Judas, I'm goin' to be homey and happy like poor folks. I don't wonder that Harriet woman's got nerves. Darn style, anyhow! Pass over that cigar box, Hiram. "'Twas half an hour later or so when Margaret, the nursemaid, came downstairs. I'd almost forgot her.

"Says I, 'Yes; I never was so particular about anything in my life as I am about this. I hear they're plowin' up Old Lady Harris' gyarden and throwin' the flowers away, and I want to go over and git a wagon-load o' Johnny-jump-ups.

"Did you lend this off the Doc again?" her father sternly demanded, the fated book in one hand and Tillie's shoulder grasped in the other. Tillie hated to utter the lie. She hoped she had modified her wickedness a bit by answering with a nod of her head. "What's he mean, throwin' away so much money on books?" Mr. Getz took time in his anger to wonder.