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Let me begin by telling you the story of my life." "No, no," urged Throgton and Kent, "don't do that!" Kelly frowned. "I think I have a right to," he said. "You've got to hear it. As a boy I had a wild, impulsive nature. Had it been curbed " "But it wasn't," said Throgton. "What next?" "I was the sole relative of my uncle, and heir to great wealth.

"Yes, yes," said Throgton and Kent, "you took her?" "To the Aquarium. My uncle heard of it. There was a violent quarrel. He disinherited me and drove me from the house. I had a liking for the sea from a boy." "Excuse me," said Kent, "from what boy?" Kelly went right on. "I ran away as a sailor before the mast." "Pardon me," interrupted Kent, "I am not used to sea terms.

Why didn't you run behind the mast?" "Hear me out," said Kelly, "I am nearly done. We sailed for the East Indies for Java. There a Malay pirate bit off my leg. I returned home, bitter, disillusioned, the mere wreck that you see. I had but one thought. I meant to kill my uncle." For a moment a hacking cough interrupted Kelly. Kent and Throgton nodded quietly to one another.

Transome Kent by your true name, Peter Kelly, murderer, I denounce you." Kent walked quietly across to Throgton and dealt him a fearful blow behind the ear. "You're a liar," he said, "I am not Peter Kelly." They sat looking at one another. At that moment Throgton's servant appeared at the door. "A gentleman to see you, sir." "Who?" said Throgton. "I don't know, sir, he gave his card."

His instinct was to act. "You may go," he said to the messenger. "Hullo, operator! Put me through to two, two, two, two, two. Is that two, two, two, two, two? Hullo, two, two, two, two, two; I want Transome Kent. Kent speaking? Kent, this is Throgton speaking. Kent, a murder has been committed at the Kelly residence, Riverside Drive. I want you to go and cover it. Get it all. Don't spare expense.

"A man's life," Kent went on, "may be played out on a billiard table. A man's soul, Throgton, may be pocketed." "What devil's foolery is this?" said Throgton. "What do you mean?" "I mean that your crime is known plotter, schemer that you are, you are found out hypocrite, traitor; yes, Masterman Throgton, or rather let me give you your true name-Peter Kelly, murderer, I denounce you!"

"Of course not," said Kent and Throgton soothingly. "Probably not more than ninety per cent." "Even into my life, gentlemen, love entered. If you had seen her you would have known that she is as innocent as the driven snow. Three years ago she came to my uncle's house. I loved her. One day, hardly knowing what I was doing, I took her " he paused.

The Riverside mystery is solved." Kent waited in silence a moment. Then he heard Throgton's voice not a note in it disturbed: "Has anybody found Kelly?" "Mr. Throgton," said Kent, and he spoke with a strange meaning in his tone, "the story is a long one. Suppose I relate it to you" he paused, and laid a peculiar emphasis on what followed "over a game of billiards."

But the principal sensation of the day arose out of the evidence offered by Masterman Throgton, general manager of the Planet. Kivas Kelly, he testified, had dined with him at his club on the fateful evening. He had afterwards driven him to his home. "When you went into the house with the deceased," asked the district attorney, "how long did you remain there with him?"

"We both feel that your analysis was simply wonderful. Peter says he doesn't know where he would be without it. "Very sincerely, "Alice Kelly. "P.S. I forgot to mention to you that I saw Peter in the billiard-room. But your analysis was marvellous just the same." That evening Kent sat with Throgton talking over the details of the tragedy.