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It was near midnight when the Superb succeeded in engaging the enemy; and, as we came up, a three-deck ship hauling up for us after having fired at the Superb, by some accident, in the moment we were going to give her our broadside, took fire, which communicating to a ship which we perceived close to her, both were almost instantly in a blaze. So awful a scene I never yet have witnessed.

A three-deck craft, it was equipped with complete laboratory facilities for research in any corner of the globe. Jet lifters in the belly of the fuselage enabled the craft to take off vertically and also to hover. As Tom supervised the loading of the equipment, a foghorn voice boomed, "'Mornin', buckaroos!" The chunky figure of Chow Winkler came into view.

Above and below this was nothing but startlingly white blank paper, two solid columns of it up and down the page. Down in the deep basement of the Bulletin, the big three-deck presses, two of which had been standing idle since the last presidential election, were pounding out copies by the thousand, while grimy pressmen, blackened with ink, perspired most happily.

Whatever was uncertain, it was known at least that there would be no more sea fights like those of the last century and the first half of this, when three-deck frigates and seventy-four-gun men- of-war were lashed together, while their crews fought with small arms and cutlasses for hours.