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It occurred to him that then Jill would have been a prisoner of the invaders for something more than twelve hours, at least ten of them at their headquarters. Before he began the climb that would take him to the invaders, Lockley stopped at a small stream. He drank thirstily. There was a three-day-old moon in the sky when the last colors faded in the west. When darkness fell it was already low.

Simple he was, sitting there on top of that hammering old cattle car that sunny afternoon, the dust of the road in his three-day-old beard, his barked willow prod-pole between his knees; simple as a ballad that children sing, simple as a homely tune. Well, of course he had kept Grace Kerr's little handkerchief, for reasons that he could not quite define.

Henry Keenan, of New York, had leisurely finished his cigar, and had as leisurely glanced through all the three-day-old London papers. He had even puzzled, for another half-hour, over the pages of a Tribuna. Then, after gazing in an idle and listless manner about the empty and uninviting hotel reading-room, he decided that it was time for him to go up to his room.

"And your people at home," he said, "you think they are taking the War seriously?" "So seriously," replied Wagstaffe instantly, "that it has become necessary for the Government to take steps to cheer them up." "Comment?" inquired Achille politely. For answer Wagstaffe picked up a three-day-old London newspaper, and read aloud an extract from the Parliamentary report.