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I have named them 'Hotel Trees, because they bear a certain kind of table d'hote fruit called 'Three-Course Nuts." "That's funny!" said Betsy. "What are the 'Three-Course Nuts' like?" "Something like cocoanuts, to look at," explained the Ugly One. "All you have to do is to pick one of them and then sit down and eat your dinner. You first unscrew the top part and find a cupfull of good soup.

Nita disappeared behind a screen, where, on the wash-stand, in lieu of a buffet, the good things from the birthday box were arranged on tin-box covers and wooden plates. There were nine china plates for the twelve guests, and a cup and a sherbet glass apiece, which is an abundance for any three-course supper, however elaborate.

They were content to shine in his reflected glory, and they dispersed at a late hour feeling that they had been tacitly set apart a chosen people. The next issue of the Crowheart Courier referred to the dinner as a three-course banquet, and published the menu. If the description of the guests' costumes made Crowheart's eyes pop and none more than the wearers, the latter did not mention it.

Aunt Belle, you, and I can manage that that will take fifteen dollars a week from the expenses. Besides, I am going to have three-course dinners from now on no game, fish, or extra sweet. That will make a difference in time. I shall not buy the new dinner set I had halfway ordered it was wonderful, of course, but I have no right to use money for nonsense.

The Three-Course Nuts are not all exactly alike in flavor or in contents, but they are all good and in each one may be found a complete three-course dinner." "But how about breakfasts?" inquired Betsy. "Why, there are Breakfast Trees for that, which grow over there at the right.

For some time past she had made a practice of giving a party once a fortnight, when tea and some pitiable attempts at pastry appeared to grace the occasion. Once a quarter the du Roncerets gave a grand three-course dinner, which made a great sensation in the town, a dinner served up in execrable ware, but prepared with the science for which the provincial cook is remarkable.