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And Irgens answered her fully. Just as if she were a child whose curiosity had been aroused by the merest chance occurrence, Aagot made him tell her everything he knew concerning these strange people in Thranes Road No. 5. She wondered why the lady had blushed; why Irgens had greeted her so obsequiously.

Coldevin's entertainment once before in Tivoli, I believe. This will have to satisfy me for the present." It was only with difficulty that Irgens succeeded in hiding his displeasure. This was the second time to-day he had seen Coldevin; he had observed him outside his lodgings in Thranes Road No. 5. He had not been able to get Aagot out until this infernal fellow had disappeared.

Aagot asked quickly, with big, bewildered eyes: "Thranes Road, did you say? Irgens, he was standing below your windows!" Her heart was fluttering with fear. Coldevin observed her fixedly; he made sure that she should notice he was staring straight at her. Meanwhile Norem continued his impossible tirade.

He had happened upon Coldevin far up in Thranes Road; he had spoken to him, and Coldevin had said that he was going away soon, perhaps to-morrow. He was going back to Torahus; he was mainly going in order to resign his position; he had accepted a situation farther north. But in that case Grande had insisted that they empty a glass together, and Coldevin had finally come along.

One would have thought he was anxious to find Ole Henriksen but did not know whether he was in the warehouse or not. Irgens was sitting in his room, Thranes Road, No. 5. He was in fine spirits. The elegant man whom nobody suspected of doing anything sat there in all secret and corrected proofs and slaved like a farmer. Who would have believed it?

He had been obliged to move from his former apartments on Thranes Road. Certainly; but what of it? He had taken other apartments in the residential district elegant apartments, fine view, furniture upholstered in leather! He simply couldn't have stood it much longer in the old lodgings; his best moods were constantly being spoiled; he suffered.

Don't argue with him. He knew what he was talking about. Ho! business morals! The rottenest morals on earth.... Meanwhile the Attorney was talking across the table to Irgens and Miss Aagot. He told them how he had come across Coldevin. "I ran across him a moment ago up your way, Irgens, in Thranes Road, right below your windows. I brought him along. I couldn't let the fellow stand there alone "