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Thousands of us learnt to be interested in him as the 'good Arthur, 'the excellent Arthur, of Thomas Carlyle, a writer who had the art of making not only his own narrative, but the sources of it, attractive.

"No, sir; I'm afraid we haven't got any Stilton," said the immovable one, speaking as if it were something thousands of miles away. "This is awful," I said: for it seemed to me a strange allegory of England as she is now; this little town that had lost its glory; and forgotten, so to speak, the meaning of its own name.

What I say is, 'Blood will tell!" And then in a body every one in the club would move against the bar and exclaim: "Here's to Cuba libre!" When the Olivette from Key West reached Tampa Bay every Cuban in the Tampa cigar factories was at the dock. There were thousands of them and all of the Junta, in high hats, to read David an address of welcome.

It is on the way. My Lord will burst those heavens and come in clouds of glory, with thousands and tens of thousands in His train. And things evil shall be cast out of the kingdom. And things that are wrong shall be put right. There shall be neither squalor, nor wretched poverty, nor crime, nor intemperance, nor ignorance, nor hatred, nor war. All men shall be brothers.

I've seen the cable-censor, and not a word about it will go home. I have just sent a despatch saying that the whole island is entirely in our hands and that the natives are swearing allegiance by thousands." "That's right," said Sam.

Year by year there is an appalling waste of good human material; and thousands of those whom nature intended to be captains of industry are relegated, in consequence of undeveloped or imperfectly trained capacity, to the ranks, or become hewers of wood and drawers of water.

Stowe, with the Duke of Sutherland's kind regards, 1869. Should he look into a low oaken case standing in the hall, he would find there the twenty-six folio volumes of the 'Affectionate and Christian Address of Many Thousands of Women in Great Britain and Ireland to their Sisters in the United States of America' pleading the cause of the slave, and signed with over half a million names, which was delivered to Mrs.

Thus expressed, too, we may find the ever-present ocean, the waving palms and, if we seek carefully, the Kawa herself, scudding before the trade wind. By four o'clock the beach was thronged with thousands of gleaming bodies. Festivity and rejoicing were in every eye.

Elizabeth Payson Prentiss, the daughter of the saintly Dr. Edward Payson, of Portland, Maine. Her prose works were very popular, and "Stepping Heavenward" had found its way into thousands of hearts. But one day she in a few hours won her immortality by writing a hymn, beginning with the lines, "More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee"

He must go home and study Paley or perhaps Butler's Analogy he owed the church something, and ought to be able to strike a blow for her. Or would not Leighton be better? Or a more modern writer say Neander, or Coleridge, or perhaps Dr. Liddon? There were thousands able to fit him out for the silencing of such foolish men as this Bascombe of the shirt-front!