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I kept to this one line I wanted to see a particle of matter move from A to B without a known push or pull. I paid very little attention to 'trance-mediums' like Mrs. Piper; and although I saw a great deal of what is called 'mind-reading' and 'thought-transference, I did not permit the cart to get before the horse.

Here I must be very brief, indicating merely a fraction of the evidence which has been accumulated in proof of this startling scientific truth. When the Society for Psychical Research was founded, in 1882, its main energies were directed toward the investigation of this faculty, and of the reality of thought-transference.

"Got anything to eat?" he asked, seating himself on a divan and watching her movements with a bland stare. "Will have in a few minutes." She turned on him, laying her duster on a book-case and removing her handkerchief. "I really believe there is something in thought-transference, Dick, for I felt that you were coming.

Beyond these are there vibrations for thought-transference? Who knoweth? These familiar facts are called up to show the almost infinite capacities and intensities of the ether. Matter is more forceful, as it is less dense. Rock is solid, and has little force except obstinate resistance. Steam is rarer and more forceful.

I shall compare, as I have already said, the ethnological evidence for savage usages and beliefs analogous to thought-transference, coincidental hallucinations, alternating personality, and so forth, with the best attested modern examples, experimental or spontaneous. This raises the question of our evidence, which is all-important. We proceed to defend it.

'Does she SAY that she's the Queen of Babylon? he uneasily asked. 'Yes, said Anthea recklessly. 'This thought-transference is more far-reaching than I imagined, he said. 'I suppose I have unconsciously influenced HER, too. I never thought my Babylonish studies would bear fruit like this. Horrible! There are more things in heaven and earth 'Yes, said Anthea, 'heaps more.

Thought-transference failed this time; he was too perturbed, indeed, to be in a receptive state at all. It seemed a catastrophe, a most undesirable and unexpected climax. The romantic solution revived in him but only for a passing moment. He rejected it. Some big discovery was in the air. He felt that extraordinary sense of anticipation once again.

The facts of thought-transference, of mesmeric control, of apparitions of the living, and the like, as critically tested by the members of this society, seem to indicate clearly that mind can affect, influence, and control mind through some other channel than that of the senses, usually over short distances, but in case of strong mental concentration over long distances.

We often augur, without any very definite rational process, from the facial expressions, gestures, movements, tones of others, what their frame of mind is. But I believe that there is a great deal more than that. We must all know that when we are with friends to whose moods and emotions we are attuned, there takes place a singular degree of thought-transference, quite apart from speech.

He seemed to be speaking with the door handle in his hand. 'You see a doctor, old boy, he said; 'all that about thought-transference is just simply twaddle. You've been over-working. Take a holiday. Go to Dieppe. 'I'd rather go to Babylon, said the learned gentleman.