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There would be something wonderfully dignified and graceful in returning to the land after you have taken the principal part in solving the difficulties which pertained to it, and emancipating it from many perils." "I am sure it would be the happiest day of my life, if Job would purchase Hurstley," said Mrs. Thornberry.

What the pages of the "Privy Council" meant no human being had the slightest conception except Mr. Tremaine Bertie. Mr. Thornberry remained a respected member of the cabinet. It was thought his presence there secured the sympathies of advanced Liberalism throughout the country; but that was a tradition rather than a fact.

Sidney Wilton with inquiries, why he and his friends had not made railroads, instead of inventing nonsense about cheap bread. Job Thornberry made wonderful speeches in favour of total and immediate repeal of the corn laws, and the Liberal party, while they cheered him, privately expressed their regret that such a capital speaker, who might be anything, was not a practical man.

Farmer Thornberry had ordered a path to be cleared on the green from the hall to the rectory; and "that is all," said Mrs. Penruddock, "we have to walk upon, except the high road. The snow has drifted to such a degree that it is impossible to get to the Chase. I went out the day before yesterday with Carlo as a guide.

Bertie Tremaine was returned, and his brother, Mr. Tremaine Bertie. Job Thornberry was member for a manufacturing town, with which he was not otherwise connected. Hortensius was successful, and Mr.

When I found he was really going to his friends at Thornberry Park for the whole day to-morrow, I had compassion on him." Anne admired the good acting of the friend, in being able to shew such pleasure as she did, in the expectation and in the actual arrival of the very person whose presence must really be interfering with her prime object.

When the orator concluded, amid cheering much louder than that which had first greeted him, Endymion, in a rather agitated voice, whispered to his neighbour, "Tell me is his name Thornberry?" "That is your time of day," said the operative. "Job Thornberry is his name, and I am on his works." "And yet you do not agree with him?"

There had been many written, and as I looked back into the dramatic history of the past a long line of lovely ghosts loomed up before me, passing as in a procession: Job Thornberry, Bob Tyke, Frank Ostland, Zekiel Homespun, and a host of departed heroes "with martial stalk went by my watch." Charming fellows all, but not for me, I felt I could not do them justice. Besides, they were too human.

When I found he was really going to his friends at Thornberry Park for the whole day to-morrow, I had compassion on him." Anne admired the good acting of the friend, in being able to shew such pleasure as she did, in the expectation and in the actual arrival of the very person whose presence must really be interfering with her prime object.

Job Thornberry may give up his search for the name of the destroyer of his daughter, and allow her to break her heart in quiet; but not so Paul Pry, who needs a full explanation of the scandal for retail purposes.