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Billy crept very softly into the captain's place, and the latter seated himself on the thwart in front of Mark, to be joined directly by Gregory. "There," cried Mark, as the oars dipped, "I heard it. There." "What?" said his father. "That roaring which Mr Gregory heard." "It was the creaking and groaning of the oars in the tholes." "No, no, father.

A faint creaking sound where they rubbed on the tholes, and then the regular measured dip, dip, and splash, splash. "Tide runs sharp," said a deep voice. "Give way, my lads, or we shall be swept by her; that's it."

And afterwards, we carried all the loose woodwork of the boat into the tent, emptying the lockers of their contents, which included some oakum, a small boat's hatchet, a coil of one-and-a-half-inch hemp line, a good saw, an empty colza-oil tin, a bag of copper nails, some bolts and washers, two fishing-lines, three spare tholes, a three-pronged grain without the shaft, two balls of spun yarn, three hanks of roping-twine, a piece of canvas with four roping-needles stuck in it, the boat's lamp, a spare plug, and a roll of light duck for making boat's sails.

He had been listless lately, they had noticed, and Uncle William, regarding him one afternoon as he stood at the door of the shop, had turned to John and said that he would be glad when the summer weather came in again, so that Uncle Matthew could go down to the shore and lie in the sun. "He's not a robust man, your Uncle Matthew!" he said. "I don't think he tholes the winter well!"

He that speaks the things he should not, hears the things he would not. He that is evil deem'd is half hang'd. He that tholes, overcomes. He rises over early that is hangit ere noon. He that forsakes missour, missour forsake him. Half a tale is enough to a wise man. He that hews over hie, the spail will fall into his eye. He that eats while he lasts, will be the war while he die.

Meantime Eban, returning to his punt, shaped out a set of new tholes as he proposed, and then set off up the hill, hoping to meet Nelly and her grandmother. He must have found them, for after some time he again came down the hill in their company, talking gaily, now to one, now to the other. He was evidently a favourite with the old woman.

It tholes storms, and is glad in the sunshine, and if it didna bear fruit, when it was weel cared for, it wad deserve to be cut doon and burnt. My bonnie rose bush didna ask me to plant it, yet it is bending wi' flowers for my pleasure. Your fayther will hae the right to say what you shall do to pay back his love and care." "But when I do not love the lady I am desired to marry?" "Tuts!"

At this sight, both boys stopped rowing, lifted the oars from tholes and began paddling noiselessly, canoe-fashion. "That must be the accommodation ladder," whispered Madden, "where the guard is." "Who are they afraid will board them?" queried Caradoc. "Mermaids?" "It is a strange precaution to take in the Sargasso," agreed the American. "It is going to make our entrance difficult."

The vessel, it appeared, was a Gibraltar privateer; they took us for French, our boats being fitted with tholes and grummets for the oars in the French fashion; and we supposed them to be French from their colours and the language in which they hailed us. In this affair we had three officers killed or wounded, and some of our best men.

The oars were caught by the wind with such force, that the men were dashed forward under the thwarts, many of them severely hurt. Fortunately we pulled with tholes and pins, or the gunwale and planks of the boats would have been wrenched off, and we should have foundered.