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He turned to the conductor, who met his glance with the look of one who thirsts to talk. "People used to go to parties in carriages and automobiles," said the conductor, "but now they take the car when they've any distance to go. It's quicker and handier." "I should think that would be so, here in the suburbs," said Orme. "Oh, this ain't the suburbs. We crossed the city limits twenty minutes ago."

Reader to whom my words seem those of inflation and foolish excitement, it can be nothing to thee to be told that I seem to myself to speak only the words of truth and soberness; but what if the cause why they seem other to thy mind be not merely that thou art not whole, but that thy being nowise thirsts after harmony, that thou art not of the truth, that thou hast not yet begun to live?

Reading the lines: ...thrice ten years, Thrice multiplied by superhuman pangs, In hunger and in thirsts, fevers and colds, In coughs, aches, stitches, ulcerous throes, and cramps, ... Patient on this tall pillar I have borne. Rain, wind, frost, heat, hail, damp, and sleet, and snow, he had gathered roughly, as it were, that Simeon had not been comfortable. He had pitied him.

The only way to burn up the evil in his heart is by heaping coals of kindness and beneficence on his head. And for such an end it becomes us to watch for opportunities. We have to mark the right moment, and make sure that we time our offer for food when he is hungry and of drink when he thirsts; for often mal-a-propos offers of kindness make things worse. Such is God's way.

Brandan dreamed, that Peredur sought with his mystic chivalry, that Knight Owen asked of his subterranean journeyings. This race desires the infinite, it thirsts for it, and pursues it at all costs, beyond the tomb, beyond hell itself.

She longs for it, thirsts for it, and must and will have it if you will be so very obliging, Mr. Dodd."

Look," and I held up the keen blade before his eyes. "This steel thirsts for your blood; only one thought has intervened to save you." "What was that?" "The fact that you are the husband of one who was once Eloise Lafrénière." I know not how much of the truth he suspected, but for a moment we stood thus, I half imagining he contemplated a leap at my throat.

The great experiment of democracy was not far advanced, and had not developed many of its sins and dangers; yet how justly he presented them in the following description: "In our large cities, the population is godless, materialized, no bond, no fellow-feeling, no enthusiasm. These are not men, but hungers, thirsts, fevers, and appetites walking.

Of course they must, but the body sometimes is the least part of man that needs nourishment; the soul hungers and thirsts for the beautiful. Nothing seems useless whereby we can gratify that insatiable thirst for all that is pure, beautiful and true in Nature, which draws us a little nearer the Master of all truth.

Borne along unnoticed uncared for through the busy, crowded, noisy, streets. But, dear children, kind Angels looked pitying down, and Clara "hungers no more nor thirsts anymore neither shall the sun light on her, nor any heat."