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It was the thin-featured man who advanced and lightly touched the boy's arm. "Beg pardon, sir," said he, in even, unemotional tones. "You are Mr. Andrews, I believe Mr. Jack Andrews?" The youth turned his head to look at his questioner. "No, sir," he answered with a smile. "A case of mistaken identity. My name is Jones."

The Malay gazed at him as if wondering at the lad's impudence, and then, scowling fiercely, he said, in a hoarse, guttural way, and trying to display his scorn for the sun-burnt, thin-featured lad, "Ingles Ingles!" "That's right, comrade I mean, enemy. Well, ain't you going to say any more?" The man made no sign, and Peter Pegg continued: "Can't you understand plain English?

He poised for one brief and immobile moment, deep in thought, before he swung about to the three exigent figures making signs for his attention. Then the thin-featured, many-wrinkled, weary-eyed face relaxed in an almost honest and unequivocal smile. Trotter, shut in the Vice-President's private office, paid little attention to his surroundings.

"Thank goodness, you're quieter than my own kids!" So passed the afternoon, until came supper and the new uncle. Polly had been helping set the table, when the door opened, and a little, thin-featured man stepped softly in. "Polly May, I'll make you acquainted with your Uncle 'Rastus, 'Rastus Bean," called Aunt Jane from the cupboard that served for china closet and pantry.

"Not much of a Grey!" thought Rivers, as he observed the clean-shaven face, which was sallow, or what the English once described as olivaster, the eyes small and dark, the hair black and so long as to darkly frame the thin-featured, clean-shaven refinement of a pleasant and now smiling face. John went across the hall to receive him, saying, "I am John Penhallow, sir.

There were seven men in the posse, three besides Stillson from the Seven Rivers country, employees of the cow men on the Pecos, slim, brown, thin-featured fellows, who talked little either in the saddle or at the bivouac fire by night. The second night out they spent by a water hole in the desert; and on the morning of the third day they ran into their game, earlier than they had expected.

Traill fell into his usual philosophic vein. "I have sma' patience with the Scotch way of making little of everything. If Noah had been a Lowland Scot he'd 'a' said the deluge was juist fair wet." He laughed at his own wit, his thin-featured face and keen gray eyes lighting up to a kindliness that his brusque speech denied in vain.

Benjamin occupied his previous seat at the table, and at his right sat a spare, thin-featured man, with iron-gray hair and beard, and a clear, gray eye full of life and vigor. He had a broad, massive forehead, and a mouth and chin denoting great energy and strength of will.

At its door a pair of warriors stood guard, but of the ruler himself there was no sign. Ten paces from it the thin-featured leader stopped and motioned to McKay to halt. As the captain and the line behind him did so he stalked onward, passed through the doorway, and faded from sight in the dimness beyond. With one accord the members of the visiting party looked around them.

The inspector was a small, thin-featured, sandy-haired man, with a calm exterior and a deliberate manner. He entered Ormsby's private room unobtrusively, and closed the door after him with care. "Well, what news, Foxley?" "My men have shadowed everybody, but so far with no result. I thought it advisable to keep an eye on the young lady.