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"Cousin George is a good man, an' I'm very fond iv him, more be raison iv his doin' that May-o bosthoon Pat Mountjoy, but he has low tastes. We niver cud make a sthrateejan iv him. They'se a kind iv a vulgar fightin' sthrain in him that makes him want to go out an' slug some wan wanst a month. I'm glad he ain't in Washin'ton. Th' chances ar-re he'd go to th' Sthrateejy Board and pull its hair."

But the poor men must make a sentiment against these kidnappers, because among the ignorant poor they find their defenders and equals." "Judge," the pungy captain said, "they'se a-makin' a pangymonum of all the destreak about Patty Cannon's. By smoke! it's a shame to liberty.

It shows ye'er in good thrim, an' it don't hur-rt him. They'se no wan to stop his pay. He goes up to th' cashier an' dhraws his forty-wan-sixty-six jus' th' same whether he's sick or well, an' whether he's pulled th' box reg-lar or has been playin' forty-fives in th' back room.

Dooley, "I didn't vote f'r Mack, but I'm with him now. I had me doubts whether he was th' gr-reatest military janius iv th' cinchry, but they'se no question about it. We go into this war, if we iver do go into it, with th' most fash'n-able ar-rmy that iver creased its pants. 'Twill be a daily hint fr'm Paris to th' crool foe.

All day long ye meet no wan as ye thrip over th' coal-scuttle, happy in ye'er tile an' ye'er heart is enlivened be th' thought that th' childher in th' front iv th' house ar- re growin' sthrong on th' fr-resh counthry air. Besides they'se always cookin' to do.

'There in th' shade iv th' coupon threes, he says, 'we watch th' sea waves, an' wondher, he says, 'whin th' goold that's in thim can be exthracted, he says. 'They'se nawthin' to break th' silence, he says, 'but th' roarin' iv th' ocean, he says; 'an' that sounds nat'ral, he says, 'because 'tis almost like th' sound iv th' stock exchange, he says.

He's prisident iv th' Pome Supply Company, fr-resh pothry delivered ivry day at ye'er dure. Is there an accident in a grain illyvator? Ye pick up ye'er mornin' pa-aper, an' they'se a pome about it be Roodyard Kipling. Do ye hear iv a manhole cover bein' blown up? Roodyard is there with his r-ready pen.

'Gintlemen, says he, 'what can I do f'r ye? he says. 'We come, says th' chairman iv th' comity, 'f'r to offer ye, he says, 'th' r-run iv th' town, he says. 'We have held out, he says, 'as long as we cud, he says. 'But, he says, 'they'se a limit to human endurance, he says. 'We can withstand ye no longer, he says. 'We surrinder.

Decisive action is demanded be th' people. An', whin th' hot air masheens has been sint to th' front, Gin'ral Miles will strike wan blow that'll be th' damdest blow since th' year iv th' big wind in Ireland. "Iv coorse, they'se dissinsions in th' cabinet; but they don't amount to nawthin'. Th' Sicrety iv War is in favor iv sawin' th' Spanish ar-rmy into two-be-four joists.

"But I don't like th' looks iv it fr'm our side iv th' house. Whiniver a dimmycrat has to go to coort to win an iliction I get suspicious. They'se something wr-rong in Kentucky, Hinnissy. We were too slow. Th' inimy got th' first cheat." "They'se wan thing that this counthry ought to be thankful f'r," said Mr.