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Thermometer at ten degrees above zero to tone up the system. December and January just as important as May and June. I tell you we need the storms of life as much as we do the sunshine. There are more men ruined by prosperity than by adversity.

January proved the coldest month of our experience, with a mean thermometer of -53.2 degrees, lowest -71 degrees, and the highest -23 degrees Fahrenheit. We experienced one storm of thirteen days' duration during the latter part of January and early part of February, and found but thirteen days during which we could travel in the latter month.

Cream after the butterfat is removed is much like skimmed milk, although it has less water in it. Why Would Not Butter Come? What is the trouble with cream that you churn on from Monday until Saturday, then have to give up in despair and turn it out to the hogs? We warmed it, and we cooled it, and used a dairy thermometer, but nothing would do.

As soon as this invisible air was proved to be matter, the whole force of scientific inquiry was directed toward it. The thermometer, by which its heat or cold could be measured the hygrometer, which weighed, literally by a hair, its moisture or dryness were the results of the research of comparatively a few years. Somewhat later came the curious instrument which measures its velocity.

It is not the same with respect to the influence exercised by the direction of the wind, and the rapidity of the ascending current; the latter sometimes increases in an astonishing manner the temperature of the loftiest mountains. I have seen the thermometer rise, on the slope of the volcano of Antisana, in the kingdom of Quito, to 19 degrees, when we were 2837 toises high.

But the next day she conceived a vague idea, and, all in a heat, rang for her maid. While the maid was coming she fell to blushing at her own boldness, and, just as the maid opened the door, her thermometer fell so low that she sent her upstairs for a piece of work. Oh, lame and impotent conclusion!

"I knew he wouldn't do us a cut-away trick like that," declared Arthur Chester with an affectionate, white-gloved hand on Burns's black-clad arm. "Not that I'd have blamed you on a night like this. What people want to give dances for in August, with the thermometer at the top of the tree, I don't know." "Go along in, old man, and see the ladies. Take out Pauline. Mrs. Lessing isn't dancing.

However, he opened the front door and peeked at the cold-looking thermometer. "My," said he to Amanda, scurrying back to the new-lighted fire, "it's only four above!" This information he proffered with an air of pride to each member of the family as he or she appeared. Bobby took a personal satisfaction in the coldness of the weather, as though he had ordered it himself.

Whether the wind is contrary or not, he goes along at full steam, and if things go on as they are doing now, we shall soon be in a pretty pickle." "If what you say is true, it is very serious." "Yes, it is, because of the wintering. What shall we do without coal in a country where even the thermometer freezes?"

January 22. Made a pretty good day's journey. My Indian came up about noon. Distance twenty miles. January 23. Marched about eighteen miles. Forgot my thermometer, having hung it on a tree. Sent Boley back five miles for it. My young Indian and myself killed eight partridges; took him to live with me. January 24. At our encampment this night Mr.