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It might be the next time there'll be a convenient island handy, though I hope there'll come no next time." He even found a way to climb on to the berg itself, though in most places the field ice was chopped into small bits by some action on the part of the vast bulk, perhaps during a high wind and a heavy sea.

What shall I do? I must send the other one. And yet if I do, there'll be nothing for to-morrow." "Won't you wait until after Mr. Caird has come, and you can tell about the little boy?" Victoria suggested. "He mayn't arrive till very late, and I promised Captain Sabine that he should hear to-night." "But think how quickly a pigeon flies!

Thus she thought, half sleeping, until the night-dews clung in drops upon her hair; then she went in to bed, still wrapped about with the drapery of her dreams. Next morning, when Dorcas carried in her father's breakfast, she walked with a springing step, and spoke in a voice so full and fresh it made her newly glad. "It's a nice day, father! There'll be lots of folks out to meeting."

And Cerizet patted Theodose on the shoulder, with a cynicism that seemed to brand him more than the iron of the galleys. "Well, give me till to-morrow at mid-day," replied the Provencal, "for there'll be, as you said, some manipulation to do." "I'll try to keep Claparon quiet; he's in such a hurry, that man!" "To-morrow then," said Theodose, in the tone of a man who decides his course.

If we send a denial to the paper, and we really have no authority to do that, there'll be a whole raft of 'em who will not see it. And since nobody knows how many invitations have been sent out or to whom they have been sent oh, what's the use of all this arguing? The thing's done. No matter how we figure it, we're all railroaded. Third-class to Naples and twelve days in the steerage. Whew!"

"They haul a lot of TNT and they get through, to their targets, but there'll be a lot of stuff for the precision sights of the Forts and Libs," Stan said. "You notice when they want important targets like locks or sub pens or carefully placed factories they send you boys to get them." "I know, old man," Allison said with a grin. "But I'd like to make the Berlin run."

Chingachgook will soon get over his weakness and remember that he's a chief, and that he comes of a great stock, and has a renowned name to support and uphold; but as for yonder scamps, there'll be no peace among 'em until they think they've got possession of every thing of the natur' of that bit of carved bone that's to be found among Thomas Hutter's stores!"

'We done that job to rights if we never done another, eh, lad? says father, reaching out for a coal to put in his pipe. 'Seems like it, I said. 'There'll be a deuce of a bobbery about it. We shan't be able to move for a bit, let alone clear out. 'We'll show 'em a trick or two yet, says dad. I could see he'd had a tot, early as it was. 'I wonder how them chaps got on? But we'll hear soon.

"I expect you will, but one grown-up at home is as much as we can afford, and there'll be lovely long vacs. You must think of those, and the letters, and coming up to see me sometimes, and term time will pass in a flash. I'll be back before you realise that I'm gone." Clemence pouted in sulky denial. "Nothing of the sort. It will seem an age. It's easy to talk!

There'll be the same grave made for us to lie down in, and we mustn't be bearing one another ill-will.