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The lieutenants are good officers, and pleasant messmates; the doctor is a little queer, and the purser thinks himself a wag; the master, an old north-countryman, who knows his duty, and takes his glass of grog. The midshipmen are a very genteel set of young men, and full of fun and frolic. I'll bet a wager, there'll be a bobbery in the pig-sty before long, for they are ripe for mischief.

You sure to hear about it, and make great bobbery. Find some oder way to punish him. Den dey talk together for some time, but girl not hear any more." "Well, then, there will be no suit anyhow," Vincent said. "As to paying me out some other way, I will look after myself, Dan. I believe that fellow Jackson is capable of anything, and I will be on the lookout for him."

They just grazed past us, going very slow, and there was a devil of a bobbery. I fancy they thought they were properly in the consommé. A trap or something. Anyhow the two braves aft lost their heads and jumped overboard, and the bird in the conning tower disappeared like a Jack-in-the-box properly rattled." "What price old Mouldy?" asked the listeners. "Utterly unmoved, I suppose!

I look twice at a penny; but she looks twice at both sides of a halfpenny before she will let him go: and it's her being so close have raised all this here bobbery; and so I told her; says I, 'Missus, if you would but leave an end of a dip, or a paring of cheese, about your cupboard, she would hide at home; but you hungers her so, you drives her afield right on atop o' my roots. 'Oh, says my missus, 'if I was to be as wasteful as you be, where should we be come Christmas day?

Bruno laughed outright at this characteristic anticlimax, while Professor Featherwit was obliged to smile, even while compelled to correct. "Tornado, please, nephew; not cyclone." "Well, uncle Phaeton, have it your own way. Under either name, I fancy the thing-a-ma-jig would kick up a high old bobbery with a man's political economy should it chance to go bu'st right there!

They are lying quite close to each other, near some brass cannons and a lot of rusty ironwork. I was so terrified that I forgot all about the poor kid, and and, well, that is all; and here I am with my skirt in rags, and my face scratched, and my hair loose, and 'all of a bobbery, as Manuel says." "Boys," said Lester, "I'm pretty sure I know how those poor fellows' bones come to be there.

Less area for crop will be required, working expenses will be reduced, a greater out-turn, and a more certain crop secured, and all classes, planter and ryot alike, will be benefited. Parewah factory. A 'Bobbery Pack. Hunt through a village after a cat. The pariah dog of India. Fate of 'Pincher. Rampore hound. Persian greyhound. Caboolee dogs. A jackal hunt. Incidents of the chase.

If the first toast was received with applause, this was with enthusiasm; but we received a damper after it was subsided, by the lady of the house getting up and saying "Now, gentlemen and ladies, me tink it right to say dat it time to go home; I nebber allow people get drunk or kick up bobbery in my house, so now I tink we better take parting-glass, and very much obliged to you for your company."

"Law, Massa Gulian, you tink falling down dat stair gwine to hurt dis chile?" began Pompey, who entertained a warm affection for the mischievous Peter and dreaded nothing so much as a scolding from his master. "Dose stairs don't 'mount to nuffin; ef it had been de area steps dey moughten be dangerous. Massa knows boys mus' have dey fun: please 'cuse me for makin' such a bobbery."

I am steady of nerve, now, and will show no lack, heaven grant that we may not be for ever too late, though!" "What do you reckon could have kicked up such a bobbery, uncle? And what ugh!" as the wardrum's throbbings again swelled forth in grim alarm. "What in time is that, anyway?" As briefly as might be, the professor explained, and almost for the first time Waldo felt a thrill of dread.