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The creation of the ideal world, as a free act of love, is a non-deducible fact; the theogonic process, on the contrary, is a necessary event by which God becomes a unity returning from division to itself, and so a living God. In the emanent or real process, since desire or nature is added to the Idea and is overcome by it, these three moments become actual persons.

The same pair of divinities appear now as father and daughter, now as brother and sister, now as husband and wife; and again they quite lose their personality, and are represented as mere natural phenomena. As Muller observes, "The poets of the Veda indulged freely in theogonic speculations without being frightened by any contradictions.

Along with these we may place the Todas whose theogonic conceptions appear to have been cramped by their buffalo cult, and their mythical material is small and vague. +953+. A somewhat higher stage of mythopoeic development is represented by peoples of Oceania and North America.

The theogonic process is twofold: self-knowledge on the part of God, and his revelation outward, as eternal nature, in seven moments. Windelband's fine exposition, Geschichte der neueren Philosophie, vol. i. §19. The following have written on Böhme: Fr.

The content of this phase of Schelling's thought was so unfruitful, and its influence so small, that brief hints concerning it must here suffice. First of all, the doctrine of the divine potencies and of creation is repeated in altered form, and then there is given a philosophy of the history of religion as a reflection of the theogonic process in human consciousness.

At Izamal, in Yucatan, says Mr Stansbury Hagar, is a group of ruins perched, after the Mexican and Central-American plan, on the summits of pyramidal mounds which mark the site of an ancient theogonic center of the Mayas. Here the temples all evidently refer to a cult based upon the constellations as symbols.