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Splutters and Shutters scrambled to meet the visitors, barking out hospitality in their customary violent fashion. Behind them hobbled Binks, eager to help 'Miss Theedory' fasten up the boat, privately sceptical of the young lady's capacity to do so. 'Oh, Binks!

Her face, as she lifted it, was brown and wrinkled indeed, it was not unlike in hue the kippered herrings hanging on a stick outside. But a pleased surprise sprang into her eyes as she recognised her visitor's voice. 'Is that yourself, Miss Theedory? Come along in, deary! You're always a sight for sore eyes, as ye know well.

'I dunno, young musters! rejoined Binks, contemplating the ridiculous spectacle with much the same gravity as he would have regarded a funeral. 'P'raps it'd be a sight better if so be as you was gells. That is, gells after the pattern of your sister, Miss Theedory! 'Oh, Theo! Well, she's different! and Geoff sobered down his antics, and stood still to retort.

As many as you can carry! Theo called back absently, for she was finishing the column of figures, with a flourish of triumph. In five minutes more 'Miss Theedory, as all Northbourne called the captain's eldest daughter, was rowing across the bay with Queenie sedately facing her in the Bunk boat.

'If Miss Theedory dies, 'twill be me as did it; an' you can tell 'em all so, if you like! They'll put me in gaol, o' course; p'raps they'll hang me. They may bring it in manslaughter. I dunno what they haven't the power to do! ended Ned desperately. Alick stared through the window out to sea, with an equally woebegone face with that of his companion in misery.

''Tain't for me to pint out to one so good and gentle as our Miss Theedory that one of the great God's commandments is to "Honour thy father and thy mother"! Ain't that so?

Indeed, I hoped to see himself, but he doesn't seem to be in the way. 'No, Miss Theedory, he ain't. And reason why's this. He's bin out with the Fletchers' boat all the day. There's a great take o' mackerrow expected shortly, and the Fletchers they're on the look out; they're always that spry to the main-chance, as you know, deary.

Meantime, while all Northbourne, in its genuine affection for Miss Theedory, hung expectantly on the issues of life or death for who could say which it might be? Jerry Blunt was quietly making his preparations for pursuing his new calling of bird-trainer.

Oh, Muster Alick, it ain't "we" it's me, only me, as is to blame! he hoarsely said, in a voice choked with sobs. 'What do you mean? asked Alick heavily; and he stared down at the crouching speaker. 'Miss Theedory telled I to mend the leak, moaned Ned. 'And she thought I'd done it, I expec', for she showed how 'twas to be mended; but I knowed how as well as she did, for I've seed a-many done.

He was secretly thankful that Miss Theedory had not fixed on the morrow, seeing it was the day of the proposed bird-hunt in Brattlesby Woods. 'We are all going across to the Vicarage to tea to-morrow, continued the young lady; and Ned's relief changed to dismay. 'By the way, Ned, we shall be so glad to see you at the schoolroom tea at six o'clock. To-morrow will be Mrs.