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And thare ete thay nought but flesche with outen brede; and thay soupe the brothe there of: and also thay drynke the mylk. And alle manere of wylde beestes they eten, houndes, cattes, ratouns, and alle othere wylde bestes. And thei have no wode, or elle lytylle. And therfore thei warmen and sethen here mete with hors dong and cow dong, and of other bestes dryed azenst the sonne.

A ripple of laughter ran around the circle, then the ensuing silence was broken by a remark from Tommy which sent the girls nearest to her into a shout of laughter. "Well, I thhould thay not!" exploded Tommy. "You might tell the girls how you felt when you believed that all was lost," suggested the Chief Guardian smilingly, nodding at Tommy. "Do you recall how you felt in that trying moment?"

"Well you can, now I have tolded you it," permits her son. "It means bus all finished. Mitthis Beaton thaid tho. And when I am as big as Daddy I'm going to be the Generwal of the Queenth Gweyth and thay 'Charge! and wear the Thword."

"What did he say?" "What did he thay! talked about the Jewth: what a grand rathe they were how people mithjudged them: all that thort of rot. "Thaid thome of the motht honorable men he had ever met had been Jewth. Thought I wath one of 'em!" "Well, did you get anything out of him?" "Get anything out of him. Of courthe not.

All these papers were written with an eye to publication; thay were written for the future, but they were written in that same secret method, in that same 'cipher' which he has to stop to describe before he can introduce the subject of 'the principal and supreme sciences, with the distinct assurance that as 'matters stand then, it is an art of great use, though some may think he introduces it with its kindred arts, in that place, for the sake of making out a muster-roll of the sciences, and to little other purpose, and that trivial as these may seem in such a connexion, 'to those who have spent their labours and studies in them, they seem great matters, appealing to 'those who are skilful in them' to say whether he has not given, in what he has said of them, 'though in few words, a proof of his proficiency.

But the crushed and beaten woman only gazed at him with frightened and imploring eyes. "For God's sake, Dick, don't say that!" The amiable cynic was staggered. His good-humor and a certain chivalrous instinct he could not repress got the better of him. He shrugged his shoulders. "What I thay, and what you do, Teretha, needn't make us quarrel. I've no claim on you I know it.

I say the persons responsible for that transanction are fairly liable to the charge of acting so as to bring the administration of justice into contempt, unless, gentlemen, you hold those persons to be infallible and hold that thay can do no wrong. But, gentlemen, the constitution does not say that the servants of the crown can do no wrong.

I wur tell'd Paddington wur the Lunnon stashun by a porter, an' I look'd round vor Sairy Jane, as she sed as how her ud be heer at one o'clock; and porter sed 'twer then dree o'clock, an' likely Sairy Jane had gone away. Drat thay sausingers as mead I too late vor the train! I set down to wait for Sairy Jane, as I didn't know her directions, an' hed left the letter she sent at whoam.

Who'th got a friend to kill 'im? Me! Who'th got a fire to cook 'im? Me! Now you git up and we'll kitch 'im. Ef you thay another word about your egg I'll jeth eat 'im up all mythelf." Jericho Bob was conquered. With mutual understanding they approached the turkey. "Come yere; come yere," Julius Cæsar said, coaxingly. For a moment the bird gazed at both, uncertain what to do.

'Now, said Sleary, 'come along to the coath, and jump up behind; I'll go with you there, and they'll thuppothe you one of my people. Thay farewell to your family, and tharp'th the word. With which he delicately retired. 'Here is your letter, said Mr. Gradgrind. 'All necessary means will be provided for you.