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It is worthy of trial in tetanic and eclamptic seizures, and in tonic angiospasms such as occur during the chill of malarial fevers, although in the last-mentioned condition pilocarpine is perhaps more suitable, provided the energy of the heart be unimpaired. As regards the dose, Kurz's experience demonstrates that we need not restrict ourselves to a few drops.

"Oh, good heavens! how unfortunate just at this moment," Aurelia cried out, and went on to lament in a gentle heart-penetrating voice that her mother was now and then suddenly seized by a tetanic spasm, but that it generally passed off very quickly without its being necessary to take any measures with regard to it.

#Gangrene from Ergot.# Gangrene may occur from interference with blood supply, the result of tetanic contraction of the minute vessels, such as results in ill-nourished persons who eat large quantities of coarse rye bread contaminated with the claviceps purpurea and containing the ergot of rye. It has also occurred in the fingers of patients who have taken ergot medicinally over long periods.

In an instant she became rigid, and a moment after, a frightful tetanic convulsion caused her to leap thrice into the air, and then to fall upon the floor with a dreadful cry a cry that was truly human. She was dead! "With the perspiration starting from my forehead and with trembling hands I threw myself upon the floor beside the body that was not yet cold.

She was an open car, capable of some eighteen miles on the flat, with tetanic gears and a perpetual palsy. 'It won't make the least difference, sighed the Agent-General. 'He'll only raise his voice. He did it all the way coming down. 'I say, said Penfentenyou suspiciously, 'what are you doing all this for? 'Love of the Empire, I answered, as Mr. Lingnam tripped up in dust-coat and binoculars.

Sense of suffocation, twitchings of muscles, followed by tetanic convulsions and opisthotonos, each lasting half to two minutes. Mental faculties unaffected, face congested and anxious; eyes staring, lips livid; much thirst. The period of accession of the symptoms varies with the mode of administration of the poison. Symptoms, as a rule, come on soon after food has been taken.

They were Paul Ferroll, 'Why Paul Ferroll Killed His Wife, and 'Day after Day. The first two were, of course, related to each other, and they were all three full of unwholesome force. As to their aesthetic merit I will not say anything, for I have not looked at either of the books for thirty years. I fancy, however, that their strength was rather of the tetanic than the titanic sort.

The leading symptom is tetanic spasm. 5. =Poisons Affecting the Heart.= These kill by sudden shock, syncope, or collapse. They comprise prussic acid, dilute solution of oxalic acid and oxalates, aconite, digitalis, strophanthus, convallaria, and tobacco. 6. =Poisons Acting on the Lungs.= These have for their type carbonic acid gas and coal gas.

"A young woman of the lowest order, twenty-one years of age, and of a strong frame, came on the 13th of January, 1801, to visit a patient in the Charite Hospital at Berlin, where she had herself been previously under treatment for an inflammation of the chest with tetanic spasms, and immediately on entering the ward, fell down in strong convulsions.

Within his eyes, behind the reflected blue of the sky, as he raised them to it, sat mad misery; and an almost tetanic movement of limb, which rendered it impossible for him to keep motionless even in his present recumbent position, denoted the unnatural excitation of his nerves. The throb and spasm of the past still beat against his heart.