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Now it was my turn, and then in a sudden fit of freezing terror I realized that the warm blood from my wounded arm was trickling down through the dead foot of the Mahar skin I wore and leaving its tell-tale mark upon the pavement, for I saw a Sagoth call a companion's attention to it.

I am being forced to work upon the last fastening. I will not! Better to die, than open to the Terror, that is on the other side of the door. Is there no escape ...? God help me, I have jerked the bolt half out of its socket! My lips emit a hoarse scream of terror, the bolt is three parts drawn, now, and still my unconscious hands work toward my doom.

But his father's terror of remaining in the streets, communicated itself to him when he comprehended the full extent of his fears, and impressed him with the same eagerness to fly to a place of safety.

It is extremely pleasant to have one's admiration compelled, one's attention so determinedly sought after. And Candeille could be extremely amusing, and as Madelon in Moliere's "Les Precieuses" was quite inimitable. This, however, was in the olden days, just before Paris went quite mad, before the Reign of Terror had set in, and ci-devant Louis the King had been executed.

Then the emotion of terror conquered terror of the unknown and she sprang away, dropping her note-book and running to the window, where she stood swaying. "Janet, you're killing me," she heard him say. "For God's sake, why can't you trust me?" She did not answer, but gazed out at the primrose lights beginning to twinkle fantastically in the distant mills. Presently she turned.

I would have died now before getting into that bed again; but there was terror equally without; so I stood trembling and listened, listened to heavy, stealthy steps creeping along on the other side of the bed. I clutched the coverlid, staring across into the dark.

He could see the spot where he had first stood, talking to Carfax there where the ferns now glistened with silver. There was the place where Carfax had fallen. Bunker was smelling with his head down at the ground. What did the dog remember? What had Craven meant when he said that Bunker had found the matchbox? He stood silently looking down at the Hollow. In his heart now there was no terror.

My real reason was that I wished to hide my manoeuvres from the gentlemen, for every moment I expected to fall. Frequently I clutched the saddle with both hands, as I swayed from side to side. I looked forward in terror to the gallop, but to my surprise found that I could manage this pace better than the trot.

The fact is, that there was undoubtedly such a man, who, by sleights of dexterity, made himself a reputation as if there was something supernatural in his performances, and that he was probably also regarded with a degree of terror and abhorrence by the superstitious.

"And all along the horizon I heard the great noise of this panic-stricken army in full flight. "A panic, the result of these shots fired at this vagabond, had filled his very executioners with terror; and, without realizing that they were themselves the originators of the scare, they fled and disappeared in the darkness.